[200William-EC SP67851] Weeds growing balcony cracks

Matthew Perkins - Private matt at perkins.id.au
Sun Mar 13 14:04:02 AEDT 2022

Hi All,

I have noticed since the rain I think it's 102's balcony (the large 
balcony on the south east site) has got a large amount of weeds growing 
from within the cracks between the tiles in the mortar .  Im would 
typically not be in favor of telling people how to conduct their own 
affairs inside there apartment/balcony. But the roots have the potential 
to wreck the membrane on that balcony and cause leaks into the bellow 
apartments. It's a very large balcony and would likely cost $50k to fix 
the membrane. We really need to keep weeds growing between the cracks 
under control.  Any ideas ? can we force owners to keep their balcony's 
free of weeds. All It would take a couple of squirts on roundup.


Matt Perkins

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