[200William-EC SP67851] EXT - Re: Marquis Re: Fire Statement & Damper Report SC:0544000000159

James Cheng jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au
Thu Jul 7 12:45:57 AEST 2022

Hi Matt, Arnold and Darren,

Thank you for your email.
According to the by-law, Lot 1 (commercial) is having the exclusive use of the area to install the fuel tank. However the by-law is not comprehensive. There is nothing mentioned the compensation to the Owners Corporation if additional items needed to be installed to comply with the Regulations. I am not sure the history of this, however, if the additional equipment have been installed by the BMC, BMC will be responsible on the maintenance. We are on the right direction to find out further information from the Council. The next step should be engaging the fire consultant to proof the additional equipment are not required and propose to the Council to take them off from the measurement.

Hi Darren,

As you mentioned Leanne agreed to pay the first ACR invoice by the residential, could you please share the email with me? My opinion is that BMC is responsible for share facility (Fire Protection) of the building, BMC should be responsible on the invoice.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

James Cheng
Senior Community Manager

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t.  (02) 9266 2600
e. jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:afripp at stratatitle.com.au>
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------------------- Original Message -------------------
From: PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>;
Received: Mon Jul 04 2022 14:37:14 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
To: KENMURE HOLDINGS PTY LTD <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; KENMURE HOLDINGS PTY LTD <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; ARNOLD KLUCK <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; DARREN VIGNES <marquis at bfms.com.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; KENMURE HOLDINGS PTY LTD <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; KENMURE HOLDINGS PTY LTD <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; ARNOLD KLUCK <arnold at nobirds.com.au>; DARREN VIGNES <marquis at bfms.com.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>;
Subject: Re: EXT - Re: Marquis Re: Fire Statement & Damper Report

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Although it's quite expensive I would have to say yes from me. As it will be more costly continuing to fix apartment doors and inspect each year.

Regarding funding it would have been proper for a bylaw as part of the commercial strata requiring the tenant to make good. I don't have the commercial bylaws  available so I don't know if that is the case. If it's not and not withstanding the whole mess has been inflicted by the commercial strata's tenant iam not opposed to funding it from the BMC in the interests of reducing further burden on the BMC

Arnold/James is there any remedy within the commercial strata  to recoup this from the Tenant. Or do we put this down to more ghosts of Avis past.


On 4/7/2022 1:11 pm, Marquis wrote:
Hi all,

Please see the attached correspondence from ARC Building Consulting following review of the Council records.

Our initial advice that an approval will be required to dismantle the wall wetting drenchers and associated door closers remain valid.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed? Thanks

Kind regards,

Darren Vignes

Building Manager

[cid:part1.H9b2YjgR.xBsrJK0H at perkins.id.au]

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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From: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au><mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>
Sent: 29 June 2022 11:50
To: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; arnold at nobirds.com.au<mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au> <arnold at nobirds.com.au><mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>
Subject: Re: EXT - Re: Marquis Re: Fire Statement & Damper Report

Morning all,

ARC Building Consulting have submitted the information application to Council as requested. Invoice for the service attached which was made out to the BMC.

James - I have attached by Case file to help get you up to speed on the matter. Now that the fuel tank is decommissioned our plan is to have the building's fire measures updated ASAP to avoid the ongoing expense of maintaining fire shutters and balcony door closers which are no longer required.

Also attached is an outstanding invoice from ARC Building Consulting which Leanne confirmed would need to be billed to the residential strata because the BMC or commercial strata was not involved with the initial investigation services. Can you please arrange payment of both the attached invoices ASAP as I have not sent them to AP Central. Thanks

Kind regards,

Darren Vignes

Building Manager

[cid:part3.hiy7laf4.goFGRlSY at perkins.id.au]

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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From: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>
Sent: 24 June 2022 11:36
To: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au><mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>; arnold at nobirds.com.au<mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au> <arnold at nobirds.com.au><mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au>
Subject: Re: EXT - Re: Marquis Re: Fire Statement & Damper Report

Yes mate sounds good. Proceed on my side.


On 24/6/2022 10:41 am, Marquis wrote:
Hi Matt,

Abdel's response as follows:

We’re not making any assumptions as we are simply following due process to be able to remove drenchers and door closers, etc. Nevertheless, I’m happy to go through available Council’s records to find out about when the building was built and the history of the fire safety schedule.

Proposed fee is $750 excluding GST. May be of assistance in case the certifier has any questions.

Let me know if you are happy to proceed? Thanks

Kind regards,

Darren Vignes

Building Manager

[cid:part5.8NmMCAwo.l9FuWGE9 at perkins.id.au]

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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From: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>
Sent: 23 June 2022 15:15
To: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au><mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>; arnold at nobirds.com.au<mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au> <arnold at nobirds.com.au><mailto:arnold at nobirds.com.au>
Subject: EXT - Re: Marquis Re: Fire Statement & Damper Report

Hi Darren,

 Key points were.

Abdel Alsanie is a good operator no problem going with him, Positive is he was employed previously by council.

John Harper recommends we engage Abdel to confirm his assumptions by recalling the records of the original building build from council.  (small fee involved)

Then Abdel can revise his quote to fix the fire certification.

John advises that Stay of PIN should be no problem (6 months)

Good fire damper people are  OTCFIRE stuart Hicks 0432699151 Tell them John Harper sent you. (good fair operator im told)


On 23/6/2022 10:25 am, Marquis wrote:
Hi Matt,

Please see the attached.

Apt 401
FD-401.3 - Damper missing

Apt 207
FD-207.2 - Large chunks of fire rated gyprock missing. Half the fire rated hebel missing

The full damper inspection will be completed on Friday so there may be other issues to uncover. Thanks

Kind regards,

Darren Vignes

Building Manager

[cid:part7.k1svm0Ew.Eh4zN0bN at perkins.id.au]

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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Matt Perkins

Matt Perkins

Matt Perkins
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