[200William-EC SP67851] FW: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
Leanne Eardley
leardley at stratatitle.com.au
Thu Oct 21 12:44:01 AEDT 2021
Good Afternoon Darren and committee,
I would like to draw your attention to an issue that has occurred within lot 5. This is for your information and do not require direction at this point in time.
Back in November 2020 Pack and send reported water ingress to BFMS of whom arranged plumbers to inspect and investigate the water leak. They gained access to G05 and as part of the investigations they had to remove parts of the flooring. The report from the plumber indicated that the water ingress was as a result of a leaking pipe in under the kitchen sink.
Darren and I were both of the impression that this was the sole issue that had caused damage to the floorboards, and that the rectification of the floorboards was being handled by the Managing Agent/Owner.
Subsequently, the tenant that was in the property finally vacated the premises in August 2021, and the Owner and Managing Agent requested that an insurance claim be lodged so that the flooring could be rectified.
According to Darren and our records, there have never been any repair requests or notification that there was an issue with the waterproofing in the bathroom.
Now that the insurance claim has been declined, and we are now in receipt of further information (the insurance assessors report (KASE)) it indicates that the bathroom does have waterproofing issues, and the bathroom needs to be rectified.
As such, as a matter of urgency, we need to obtain quotes for the rectification of the bathroom waterproofing (broken down into common property and lot owners property) so that rectification can be undertaken to the bathroom.
With regards to the damage of the flooring, technically as part of the flooring was damaged whilst the plumber engaged by the Owners Corporation was undertaking investigation, the Owners Corporation could be deemed responsible for at least part of the rectification of this flooring.
I have also attached an email that was received from the managing agent, and subsequent correspondence between our office and Morton's as a letter of demand to have the works completed. Again I would like to note that up until receipt of the assessors report there has been no confirmation that there was a waterproofing issue within the unit, and only assumptions and probabilities that this could have been a contributing factor to the damage that had occurred to the flooring.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Eardley
Senior Community Manager
[cid:image017.png at 01D7C679.340DEFB0]
t. (02) 9266 2600
d. (02) 9266 2648
e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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From: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 10:14 AM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Hi Leanne,
As per my last email, please now find attached:
* Formal Denial Letter
* Complaints Handling Brochure
* Kase Building Grout Report
Unfortunately, this claim has been formally denied on the basis that the water damage occurred over a long period of time, not from any single or unexpected event. The insurer has also denied the water damage claim on a second basis - that the leak was not addressed adequately or within a timely manner to mitigate additional damage.
The impact damage to the toilet cistern is denied on the basis of the repair cost being under the excess.
Should you disagree with this decision, please refer to the attached Complaints Handling Brochure, which details how to raise a complaint directly with the insurer.
As this claim has been denied in full, I will now close our file.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Aly Bodycote
Sent: Thursday, 14 October 2021 11:35 AM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
Hi Leanne,
I have just received a call from the insurer as they have now reviewed the report from Kase Building.
Kase Building have identified that the damage to the flooring has been ongoing for at least 12 months, and is not the result of one leak event, but rather from a leak issue over a long period of time.
As such, the insurer is intending to deny this claim on the basis that the claim has been prejudiced, by allowing the damage to the flooring to worsen over a long period of time and not addressing the leak in a timely manner.
The insurer is preparing a denial letter, which will go through their management team before being released to us.
I will review the denial letter once received, but from a preliminary review - I can't see any avenue to dispute this denial, as there are specific policy conditions which state that you must submit a claim as soon as damage occurs, and that you as the insured have a responsibility to mitigate any further damage or loss.
I will send you through the denial letter once received.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Aly Bodycote
Sent: Thursday, 14 October 2021 10:45 AM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
Hi Leanne,
Just a quick update on this claim - I just gave the insurer a call and they confirmed they have recently received the report/quote from Kase Building, which will be reviewed internally and they will let us know how to proceed shortly.
Sorry for the delay on this one - if I don't hear back by Tuesday next week, I'll follow them up again.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Aly Bodycote
Sent: Friday, 8 October 2021 12:13 PM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
Hi Leanne,
As advised, I will let you know when I hear back from the insurer.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Sent: Friday, 8 October 2021 12:02 PM
To: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Cc: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Afternoon Aly,
Following up status of this claim.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Eardley
Senior Community Manager
[cid:image004.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
t. (02) 9266 2600
d. (02) 9266 2648
e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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From: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 October 2021 2:05 PM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Hi Leanne,
Just waiting to hear from the insurer once they receive and review the quote/report from Kase.
I'll let you know when I hear back!
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 October 2021 2:02 PM
To: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Cc: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Afternoon Aly
Just following up whether there are any updates on this claim.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Eardley
Senior Community Manager
[cid:image004.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
t. (02) 9266 2600
d. (02) 9266 2648
e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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From: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Sent: Thursday, 30 September 2021 9:14 AM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Hi Leanne,
I'm just waiting to hear back from the insurer once they receive and review the quote from Kase.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 September 2021 4:19 PM
To: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Cc: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Afternoon Aly
Can you please provide an update on this claim.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Eardley
Senior Community Manager
[cid:image004.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
t. (02) 9266 2600
d. (02) 9266 2648
e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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From: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 September 2021 8:45 AM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
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Hi Leanne,
The insurer has now acknowledged receipt of this claim.
They have appointed Kase Building Group to attend site and provide a second quote.
Kase should be in contact shortly to schedule their attendance.
Upon receipt of their quote, the insurer will be able to update us further.
In the meantime, I await your response to my queries in my email dated 14.09.21.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Aly Bodycote
Sent: Friday, 17 September 2021 2:28 PM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Cc: Samantha Faulkner <samantha.faulkner at morton.com.au<mailto:samantha.faulkner at morton.com.au>>
Subject: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | BCB: 6660
Hi Leanne,
I have not heard back from the insurer at this stage.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
[cid:image001.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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From: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Sent: Friday, 17 September 2021 2:26 PM
To: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Cc: Samantha Faulkner <samantha.faulkner at morton.com.au<mailto:samantha.faulkner at morton.com.au>>; Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: RE: New Claim: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | Policy: NRSC17005257 | BCB: 6660
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Afternoon Aly
Following up a response.
Can you please provide an update on the assessor being appointed.
Samantha - Can you please respond to the two queries that I have highlighted in the below.
Kind Regards,
Leanne Eardley
Senior Community Manager
[cid:image004.png at 01D7C664.61B59B80]
t. (02) 9266 2600
d. (02) 9266 2648
e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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From: Aly Bodycote <Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:Aly.Bodycote at bcb.com.au>>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September 2021 12:00 PM
To: Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>>
Subject: New Claim: DP1040255 - SP67851 | DOL: 23.11.20 | Lot 5 - Water Damage | Policy: NRSC17005257 | BCB: 6660
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Hi Leanne,
Thank you for providing the new claim documentation.
The applicable policy excess is $1,500.
I have lodged this claim with the insurer and await their response.
In the meantime, please provide the following additional information in order to progress this claim:
* Please explain how the broken toilet and damaged vanity relates to the water leak - as these damages appear to be unrelated to this event
* Please advise why this claim has been lodged so late - almost 10 months after the date of loss
Given the amount of the quote for the flooring, I have asked the insurer to appoint a panel trade to attend and provide a comparative quote for the flooring. I have also asked that this trade comments on the damage to the toilet and vanity and confirm if they are related to this event - and if so, to include that in their quote.
In regards to the loss of rent claim - unfortunately it does not appear to meet the terms and conditions of the policy. Loss of rent is only claimable when the unit is considered uninhabitable due to the claimable damage and the tenant is forced to vacate.
I note the date of loss was in November 2020, and the tenant vacated on 10.08.21 - 9 months later. Evidently the unit was not uninhabitable as the tenant stayed there for 9 months since the damage occurred. It appears the tenant vacated due to an external factor - or perhaps they were inconvenienced by the damage - but that is not what the building insurer provides cover for. Perhaps the lot owner can submit a claim with their landlords insurer for loss of rent.
Please note that all correspondence for the claim should be sent to me directly: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
Thank you,
Aly Bodycote
Claims Officer
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BCB Sydney
P. PO Box 20288, World Square NSW 2002
A. Level 11/338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
O. (02) 9024 3850 D. (02) 9024 3857
Please note a change in my email address domain: aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au<mailto:aly.bodycote at bcb.com.au>
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