[200William-EC SP67851] Bathroom Renovation - Unit 305 [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

Creighton, Adam creightona at theaustralian.com.au
Thu Dec 3 14:03:50 AEDT 2020

yep all good Matt, makes sense.

On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 at 14:02, Matt Perkins <matt at spectrum.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
>  Im away for 3 weeks leaving tonight Im sure Darren can provide a detailed
> report that we can discuss sounds like the budget might need to be altered
> prior to the AGM It's not much use me looking at it as im an not that sort
> of engineer.  We will likely need reports and quotes etc.
> Matt
> On 3/12/20 1:48 pm, Creighton, Adam wrote:
> Paul, I"m really sorry to hear this, I've just cc'd the committee.
> Matt seems to have the most institutional knowledge. I'm not sure if he'll
> be home though!
> cheers,
> Adam
> On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 at 13:31, Doddridge, Paul MR 2 <
> paul.doddridge2 at defence.gov.au> wrote:
>> Adam,
>> There has been a significant development.
>> Substantial rust, found behind my bathroom wall (which is a common wall
>> with my neighbour’s bathroom) has resulted in a halt to all works pending a
>> meeting with the body corporate.
>> The tracks and studs have completely rusted through and cannot be used.
>> They must be completely replaced which will necessitate, now that all the
>> walls have been removed, the removal of my bathroom ceiling.  In short, a
>> disaster, both for me, and my neighbour.  He has to do his bathroom all
>> over again too.
>> A meeting has been arranged in the unit, tomorrow, 4th December 2020
>> between my builder, the body corporate and Darren Vignes, the building
>> manager.  A time hasn’t been set yet because Darren is currently on leave
>> and cannot be contacted.
>> I was wondering if any members of the committee would like to attend, in
>> particular Matt Perkins (I think that’s his last name) of Unit 302.
>> To that end, would you mind forwarding this email to remaining members of
>> the committee in case they would like to attend?
>> They can call me on any of the numbers below, tomorrow, to get a meeting
>> time.
>> Cheers,
>> *Paul Doddridge*
>> Deskside Support Site Team Leader - Sydney
>> Contractor to Defence
>> Directorate of Regional ICT Services
>> Department of Defence
>> Building 32 I HMAS KUTTABUL I NSW* | *2011.
>> P: (02)9359 2513 |M: (0457)602 070  | E: paul.doddridge2 at defence.gov.au
>> “High Performance, Teamwork and Respect”
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> /* Matt Perkins
>         Direct 02 8916 8101     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
>         Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
>         ABN 66 090 112 913      Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
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