[200William-EC SP67851] FW: SP 67851 Unit 601 Dispute Re By-Laws

Brook Beves brookbeves at bigpond.com
Wed Sep 17 08:51:57 EST 2014

On 16/09/14 11:29, Maxine Wickey wrote:
> Dear Committee,
> Please find following and attached.  I believe I had correspondence 
> advising that this was a new installation, can you please confirm.
> Kind Regards,
> **
> *Maxine Wickey*
> Strata Manager
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> *From:*Thomas Shaw [mailto:tshaw at jacksonlalic.com.au]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 16 September 2014 11:25 AM
> *To:* Maxine Wickey
> *Cc:* David Lalic
> *Subject:* SP 67851 Unit 601 Dispute Re By-Laws
> jackson lalic
> *L A W Y E R S*
> Dear Maxine
> I refer to your email of 11 September 2014, and its attached 
> documentation.
> We note your letter makes no reference to our letter sent to you on 25 
> August 2014, and does not address our client's requests for further 
> clarification and information. A copy of that letter is */attached/* 
> for your reference.
> In order for our client to properly respond to your email of 11 
> September, please confirm you were aware of the contents of our letter 
> of 25 August when you sent that email.
> Regards,
> Tom Shaw
> *Thomas Shaw*
> Law clerk
> tshaw at jacksonlalic.com.au <mailto:tshaw at jacksonlalic.com.au>
> *JACKSON LALIC LAWYERS PTY LIMITED   ABN*27 109 027 938 *ACN*109 027 938
> Level 16, 115 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 *POST* PO Box Q245 Queen 
> Victoria Building Post Office, Sydney NSW 1230 *T:* 02 9262 1770 *F:* 
> 02 9262 1771
> ****
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> Sydney Exchange
> ****
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> _______________________________________________
> EC mailing list
> EC at 200william.com
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Dear Maxine

I have been asked by the EC to respond to your email.  What do you mean 
"I believe I had correspondence advising this was a new installation"?

If you are referring to the screen La Forest erected in July it is the 
same screen the subject of this complaint and Breach of By-Law proceedings.

The Solicitors letter which you have attached refers to his earlier 
letter showing 2 photos provided by La Forest alleging this screen has 
been there for some years.  In fact the photo does not show the screen 
protruding over the boundary wall where it is creating the nuisance and 
eyesore to the Occupant of 602.

So there can be no dispute and for the purpose of clarification perhaps 
you can respond to the solicitors letter attaching the photo which was 
taken 16th July showing this screen protruding over the boundary wall.  
Photographic evidence has also been taken of this screen dangerously 
flapping during windy periods which should also be brought to the 
Solicitors attention.

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