[200William-EC SP67851] FW: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
George Ziri
Georgeziri at bfms.com.au
Thu May 15 16:11:01 EST 2014
No form submitted.
George Ziri
Building Facilities Management Solutions
m: 0400 300 242
e: georgeziri at bfms.com.au w: www.bfms.com.au
Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence
From: ec-bounces at 200william.com [mailto:ec-bounces at 200william.com] On Behalf Of Matt Perkins
Sent: Thursday, 15 May 2014 3:47 PM
To: ec at 200william.com
Subject: Re: [200William-EC SP67851] FW: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Hi George and EC.
Owning a telecommunications carrier myself not to mention building Optusnet from scratch I have a bit of knowledge here.
Firstly George has a land access form been submitted. If it has There is no use us discussing it. There is nothing to discuss. Under the telecommunications act you can not refuse a licensed carrier access to the building for the purpose of providing telecommunications infastructure. We would simply spend thounds of dollars in legal fees for nothing. Dont get confused here dont listen to people who think they know. There wrong. I do this to building owners every day that's why we have solicitors on staff.
There are things we can do.
a) Ask for a fee for the space used in the basement. - We can ask Pipe to pay us rent for the space they are using in the MDF. it cant be unreasonable and will amount to perhaps $50 ~ $150 per month.
b) They need to provide there own power and power meter. There DSLAM does not go on our house power.
c) They must pass safe work method show insurance and be inducted onto site.
d) They have no rite (exclusive or otherwise to access the internal building cabling) So they can put there fiber into the basement install there dslam but no matter what they say they can not use the internal cable exclusivity. If they are not providing vectored VDSL this is likely not what they are after in any case. Its more likely they just want to provide VDSL on the internal cable which co-habits with other services just fine. That is everyone can continue doing what they are doing now. Nothing will change just people in the building will have access to better services at cheaper prices if they want to do so. If not then no fowl.
My suggestion is lets have a look at the agreement. Im happy to negotiate it. If there is no exclusive access to the internal cable (unlikely) and all the other boxes are ticked we should go ahead. We really dont have a choice.
On 15/05/14 3:01 PM, George Ziri wrote:
Good Afternoon All,
TPG have asked to assess the MDF cupboard provisions so that they can accommodate the new fibre optic distribution. I have on three occasions requested a written statement that they would not have exclusive use on the comms pipe into the building. To date I have received more phones without anything in writing up to yesterday which still is vague. However they are happy to meet.
I thought to let you know that TPG are currently at legal stages with another Strata Plan we manage. At this particular Strata Plan, TPG believe that under the telecommunications Act they are able to have exclusive use on the pipe into the Strata Plan. This therefore does not give residents or owners the option of other providers.
It may be best that their representative meet with the building sub committee to discuss the matter.
Please review and provide me with a response to forward to TPG
George Ziri
Building Facilities Management Solutions
m: 0400 300 242
e: georgeziri at bfms.com.au w: www.bfms.com.au
Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence
From: James Ho [mailto:James.Ho at pipenetworks.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2014 5:30 PM
To: George Ziri
Cc: admin_officer at tpg.com.au; Say Deseo; Bob Ngariki; Craig Gudgeon; Danny Le; Paul Cini; Celina Chua; Timothy Strachan
Subject: RE: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Importance: High
Hi George,
I would like to extend my appreciation towards your speedy response on the phone on this manner.
PIPE is happy to send our company representative to any of the EC meetings to address:
§ Construction, building-related queries
§ Explain our legal rights as per the Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth)
§ Provide additional perspective on our FTTB proposal.
Timothy Strachan (Company Representative):
T +61 2 8220 6071
M +61 402 333 456
PIPE has significant experience building fibre optic networks for commercial clients in both the private & public sector since 2002. Attached in this email is a Corporate Profile outlining our significant experience & capabilities in the industry.
Following the recent acquisition of AAPT, the incorporation of AAPT's inter-capital fibre into TPG's extensive CBD, metropolitan and international network assets has provided us with an incredibly diverse & powerful network capable of delivering significant value to our customers. (a combined total of 14,000km of fibre optic cabling post AAPT).
Additional info about installation:
Additional Info.png
Also, if you would be so kind to forward this informative response to the EC members.
We look forward to establishing a meeting date with the EC from your side (sometime around early June, perhaps?). To assist us in addressing any potential technical issues beforehand, a quick site survey would be helpful or photos of the MDF room from your side, to identify if the building is unfit for installation works.
Have a great week ahead & Thank you for your time.
T : 02 8916 3222
Email : james.ho at pipenetworks.com
James Ho
Project Officer
PIPE Networks Pty Limited - A TPG Telecom Limited Company (ASX: TPM)
Fibre Operations & Provisioning Group is Quality endorsed by the ISO 9001:2008 certification
Web: www.pipenetworks.com <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcZtnIl9meL-2F98J27c0YiJ20lK33eqWCkJIi8mxlHR5RN_t06QVdUYa3MIFCFTeGVXwjoqdAoX52Y8gDMOzobBVvGbaVcB6TIZhNiasH1AtFJanyLDAB1J2XChHJpxYWT8ftk-2BlkFfwmHiJ3utBeSKCxhzxIZMsqDW74RNLSrOJKOz02zX4cqIvzds-2BPJXFltGNhOgQ4soL60pnit92mmVROBCRzDj2qM4DII8lNNo4HIX>
From: James Ho
Sent: Friday, 2 May 2014 12:33 PM
To: 'georgeziri at bfms.com.au'
Cc: admin_officer at tpg.com.au; 'Say Deseo'; Bob Ngariki; Craig Gudgeon; Danny Le; Paul Cini; 'Celina Chua'
Subject: RE: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Importance: High
Hi George,
A very good day to you. My name is James Ho & I am a colleague of Joy operating in the PIPE fibre infrastructure team. We would like to thank you for your speedy responses below.
Your query was: "how many telcom providers including TPG will be able to use the pipe equipment coming into the building?"
· Primary User -TPG Subscribers
This equipment is installed on behalf of TPG, therefore the primary telecom provider using this equipment will be TPG & the beneficiaries being TPG subscribers. Non-TPG subscribers can benefit from the FTTB infrastructure if they wish to upgrade & switch over to TPG as their service provider.
· Other Carriers
Our chairman has announced that "wholesale access" will be open to other carriers, upon commercial arrangements between carriers.
We are looking to perform a quick site survey (around 30 mins) on the building to determine the location of the telecommunication equipment & also as a feasibility study. As the equipment used in this exercise is very expensive, we wish to ensure that any installation activity carried out for the benefit of our subscribers (>6 in this building) can be effected in an economic manner. Inherent building structural issues/unsolvable duct problems could potentially invalidate the exercise.
We wish not to waste the ECs time on a proposal that is not feasible, nor spend a large capital expenditure on hauling fibre from the road only to find that the installation cannot be performed. Also a site survey will help us to determine how best to optimize the installation process for maximum equipment functionality.
Perhaps we could get in touch sometime today or tomorrow for a quick discussion. We believe the site survey/feasibility study will save both parties time & resources moving forward. Our proposed site survey date for this building is 9am, next week Friday, 9th May 2014.
Thank you & have a great day.
T : 02 8916 3222
Email : james.ho at pipenetworks.com
From: Say Deseo [mailto:say.deseo at tpg.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 9:59 AM
To: Bob Ngariki
Cc: James Ho; admin_officer at tpg.com.au
Subject: FW: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Hi Bob,
Requesting assistance please. Kindly check queries below.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Say Deseo - Project Admin Officer
Fibre Operations Team
PIPE Networks Pty Limited - A TPG Telecom Company
Fibre Operations & Provisioning Group is Quality endorsed by the ISO 9001:2008 certification
Phone: +61 02 90079935 Ext 5463
Web: www.pipenetworks.com <blocked::http://www.pipenetworks.com/>
Any information transmitted in this message and its attachments is
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. The
above email correspondence should be read in conjunction with our
standard disclaimer/terms which can be found at
www.pipenetworks.com/docs/disclaimer.htm <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcZtnIl9meL-2F98J27c0YiJ20yPlks3D1S0ONy-2FBHWEBZPWjycN2BQjsNeHCI-2B62-2Fi4Q-3D-3D_t06QVdUYa3MIFCFTeGVXwjoqdAoX52Y8gDMOzobBVvGbaVcB6TIZhNiasH1AtFJaMH3oDvAHUpFxGMz0gzmaftmcoejIZCTCfp-2By54tlGDjSZ-2Bdb2BPlb6B26yWw19AH8cZyhlH4JnBp21gDD5fT7c2KCrqQ81iY6IIkoDCF5v6vFuBY4AW2DktL7FeMI5Xb>
From: George Ziri [mailto:Georgeziri at bfms.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 7:03 PM
To: Say Deseo
Subject: RE: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Would you please advise on how many telcom providers including TPG will be able to use the pipe equipment coming in the building?
George Ziri
Building Facilities Management Solutions
m: 0400 300 242
e: georgeziri at bfms.com.au w: www.bfms.com.au
Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence
From: Say Deseo [mailto:say.deseo at tpg.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 1:20 PM
To: George Ziri
Cc: admin_officer at tpg.com.au; 'pipe'; 'guy graham'; 'Grace Edwards'; 'Bob Ngariki'
Subject: Access Request: 200 WILLIAM ST WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Dear George,
In conjunction with our exercise of upgrading & maintaining communication equipment across Woolloomooloo, PIPE Networks have been assigned to install new fibre optic infrastructure on behalf of TPG.
TPG is a telecommunication service provider and plans to upgrade existing TPG customers within your building to high-speed fibre optic broadband at no cost.
Following this, a quick site visit is required to determine how PIPE Networks will connect a new PIPE fibre cable into new PIPE equipment within the building main MDF room.
We would like to formally make an appointment as per the details below:
Building MDF Room
Building Lead-in (where telecommunication cables enter the building through the street)
Cable Tray Route from lead-in entry to the MDF Room
Additional information about the installation
* No cost to the customer (Fully funded by PIPE)
* Improvement on service fault recovery lead times.
* Improved speeds as customers are migrated from traditional copper to a fibre network.
* No interruption or impact to any other carrier services.
* PIPE has rights under the Telecommunications Act 1997(Act) to inspect land & install a low-impact facility.
Follow-up after site visit
All diagrams and plans detailing the proposed installation works, will be submitted to you upon completion of the site survey via a LAAN (Land Access & Activity Notice) document, as per requirement of Schedule 3 of Telecommunications Act.
For your action
Following your email response, our contractor will contact you directly and arrange a suitable time & date for the site visit.
We seek to ensure that the site survey will be carried out by our contractors in a diligent manner with proper scale photos and drawings.
We appreciate your time and support on this matter. Thank you & have a great day ahead.
Best Regards,
Say Deseo - Project Admin Officer
Fibre Operations Team
PIPE Networks Pty Limited - A TPG Telecom Company
Fibre Operations & Provisioning Group is Quality endorsed by the ISO 9001:2008 certification
Phone: +61 02 90079935 Ext 5463
Web: www.pipenetworks.com <blocked::http://www.pipenetworks.com/>
Any information transmitted in this message and its attachments is
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. The
above email correspondence should be read in conjunction with our
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