[200William-EC SP67851] Marquis Issues

Andrew James Andrew.James at lh.org.au
Wed May 14 08:30:45 EST 2014

Dear George,

Hope you are well. I sincerely appreciate all you are doing to try and rectify the issues regarding water ingress on the top floors. I hope this all gets resolved without too much stress for you.

Anyway, the point of this email is to let you know that during the night there were some very strange noises coming from the upper floors (and I am pretty sure not from directly above me). Sounded like scraping, knocking and at one point I am sure I heard what sounded like tools being dropped. This was between 0230 and 0430. Unfortunately I'm a very light sleeper!

Members of the EC who served last year will be able to read between the lines of the paragraph above. I am concerned that the problems on the 7th floor may not be 'natural' and due to building movement or wear and tear, etc. I am sure you get my drift.

Thanks for your efforts and good luck.

Kind regards


Andrew James
Project Director of Pharmacy
[Chris O`Brien Lifehouse]<http://www.mylifehouse.org.au>
119-143 Missenden Road
Camperdown NSW 2050
PO BOX M33 Missenden Road NSW 2050

Phone: +61 2 85140945
Mobile: +61 400 202 279
Email: Andrew.James at lh.org.au<mailto:Andrew.James at lh.org.au>
Web: http://www.mylifehouse.org.au

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