[200William-EC SP67851] Building Upgrades Subcommittee

Brook Beves brookbeves at bigpond.com
Wed May 7 22:19:44 EST 2014

On 07/05/14 20:58, Matt Perkins wrote:
> Hi All,
>    Rowan contacted me tonight regarding the AGM apparently he did not
> check his mail box and was unaware of the AGM. As a result missed out on
> the meeting and elections. As we all know Rowan has been a key driver
> heading up the building upgrades subcommittee and has done a lot of hard
> work in that area with the comity.  He has also been a valued member of
> the EC.
> As Rowan did not make it to the meeting or nominate he has missed out on
> the EC. However I see no reason why he could not play a roll on the
> building upgrades subcommittee. It would not give him any voting rights
> on the EC. However I believe his contribution in this area is valuable
> and it would be a shame to waste all the effort he has put in so far.
> If everyone is in favor and if there is no legal impediment  I would
> like to make this offer to him to be part of the building upgrades group
> not a formal member of the EC as such but just an adviser to that
> specific group effectively continuing his roll as groups organizer.
> What are your thoughts.
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Thanks Matt and I totally agree that Rowan should be retained for the 
building up-grade sub committee.

As you are aware this committee was established last year of which 
myself Di and Andrew have also attended weekend meetings with Rowan and 
visited various strata building sites to get ideas to improve our 
building.  At our last meeting Rowan produced various design proposals 
which he had
compiled including costing proposals and ways forward with the project.  
During these meetings we also prioritized the various stages of the 
upgrades, ie: foyer upgrades, elevator enhancements, the gymnasium 
improvements, improvements to the roof/barbeque facilities, with 
suggestions of user pay for the use of the facilities.

I was disappointed Rowan missed our AGM and also the opportunity to be 
retained as an EC member, however, I believe that the sub committee 
which was established last year should be retained with Rowan at the 
helm.  He has put in an immense amount of time and work into this project.

I also mention that Di was also an active member of this group and she 
also attended our meetings and on site visits to other stratas. Should 
we not also invite Di to continue with the sub committee, if she so wishes?


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