[200William-EC SP67851] New Cabling at Marquis
Rob Willett
rob at robadda.com
Wed Jul 9 08:32:45 EST 2014
Does this individual know no-bounds?
Matt, the decision was made by the EC, it is a normal part of doing business and running the EC. The EC is elected by the owners. And it is a collective decision made by all EC members, who therefore take responsibility. The decision is made for the collective good of the building and the owners, not one individual. If one individual does not like the decision, they should write to the Strata Manager, or the Building Manger in our case, and we can deal with it that way.
My advice would be to reply ( in this instance and all other matters from this particular owner ): “Thanks for your enquiry, Please direct all correspondence to our Building Manager, George Ziri”.
I have stopped responding to the emails from this owner ( with a recent exception when he accused the building manager of lying and stealing ) but apart from that, I ignore. Even when he has attacked my integrity personally, it took a lot of restraint on my part!!! ( you have no idea ) but I ignored it.
Bottom line Matt, the new cabling infra-structure is a joint EC decision and we thank you raising it in the first place.
Regards, ROB
On 8 Jul 2014, at 12:39 am, Dave Petschack <dave at robadda.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Thanks for passing on. There is nothing to worry about you have always served the interest of the building.
> As for Craig copying his lawyer - let him be in his dreamland, had we not asked that he direct correspondence through the Strata Manager, who can forward to the EC.
> It's not fair you get all his nonsense.
> Thanks Dave
> <ROB19732_DaveEmailSig.jpg>
> On 08/07/2014, at 4:06 PM, Matt Perkins wrote:
>> FYI. All,
>> I received this email from Craig earlier. I note that he has cc'd his lawyer. As you all know I was very transparent about this process even abstaining from voting on it.
>> I replied with the following although in retrospect I perhaps should have waited for the strata manager.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: New Cabling at Marquis
>> Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 14:21:33 +1000
>> From: CSCL <cscl at optusnet.com.au>
>> To: 'Matt Perkins' <matt at spectrum.com.au>
>> CC: Maxine Wickey <mwickey at stratatitle.com.au>, 'Robert Green' <robert at robertgreenlegal.com.au>
>> Matt,
>> I met some electricians just now who showed me that there is a new high speed cabling (firstpass) going into the building (level 7) and that you will be hooked up to it first.
>> Would you please explain the benefits and why it’s being installed? I know you are in the internet business but is this something that will benefit others in the building because I haven’t received any information about it at all?
>> The present speed I have with my server is adequate. Please explain why are we paying for this service at a time when we don’t have a lot of money in the sinking fund?
>> Regards,
>> Craig Laforest
>> ---- forwarded email -----
>> There is no cost to the building or the strata scheme and land access has been served under the provisions of the Telecommunications Act. It's on common property and does not effect you in any way. It's authorized by the owners corporation and managed by George the building manager. It's no different to when you order a Telephone line in your home. I have just chosen a different carrier to Telstra.
>> George ask them to put the junction on level 7 because there is no space left in the MDF room for the plant.
>> Matt.
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