Rob Willett rob at robadda.com
Wed Aug 6 10:26:53 EST 2014

Thank you for your email. 

Thank you for your advice but we are in the hands of very good management when it comes to building maintenance. Not only through our Building Manger, but the contractors and suppliers we engage as well. As I am not an expert in alleged water penetration, I and the EC rely on our suppliers expertise and guidance who we find to be extremely reliable and professional. And will continue to do so. 

Please direct all enquiries to George Ziri in the meantime. 


On 4 Aug 2014, at 4:58 am, Craig Laforest <craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com> wrote:

> Rob,
> You are the Chairman of the Body Corporate for Marquis Apartments.  When are you going to walk through the building with one of the contractors which George has appointed and listen to the problems we have over here with water penetration? When?
> We have never had a thermal technician here before today (even though water penetration has been an ongoing problem in our building) and, as I was advised by the technician, thermal water penetration devices have been around for years!!  After looking at the water problem areas I have dripping from the areas above my terrace (and water is still dripping through) , the technician stated that we have had "patch work" jobs done over the years and the water penetration has been basically...... concealed.  A band aid over the wound and at a ridiculous amount of cost!!
> Rob, I even had to ask for a report to be made (as the contractor told me he had not been asked for one), during the walk-through this morning!!  And all William, George's assistant, could do (as nice as he is) ...........was giggle when the problems were divulged!!
> Rob, seriously, when will you stop relying on information from George and trust the people who are being directly affected by this situation?
> -- 
> Craig Laforest

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