Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Sat Aug 10 12:05:02 EST 2013

Hi All,
  Im dont have a lot of working experience with heat pump type water 
heaters but it seems these things are leaking a lot more then one would 
expect. This is very inconvenient for Craig in 601 to say the lest and 
it's only a matter of time before all these insurance claims start 
taking their toll on our premium.  I see that George is contacting 
Quantum and this sounds like a good idea as either these products are 
faulty through design flaw or something unique about there installation 
here has made them susceptible to corrosion and failure.

The economics of heat pump hot water is excellent and im not suggesting 
we go back to the old fashion boilers but solutions need to be found 
here to keep flooding Craigs place is unacceptable.  Just some comments.

The remedial work to the drain  did not function as intended. We need to 
do better here in preventing a further failure of a heater from 
breaching flood mitigation.

The heaters should all be inspected (if possible)  and a period of 
regular inspection be put in place. - Are there manufacturer 
recommendations here ?

Let's see what the manufacturer says here warranty aside the manufacture 
has a requirement under consumer law to provide a product free of design 
flaw. Even though the warranty has expired.

We should investigate a flood detection system. I have some experience 
in this area having been key in building  a number of data centers where 
flood mitigation  was a  component.  Flooding events seem way to regular 
in 200 William and the damage can often be significantly reduced by an 
automated detection system with alerting. Had Craig been overseas and 
this flooding not been noticed for a few days. The results may have been 
far more serious. Im happy to investigate costs here and report back.

Interested in your comments.

Kind Regards

  On 10/08/13 8:36 AM, Craig Laforest wrote:
> Hello George and Maxine,
> Would you please ensure that the insurer calls me well in advance of 
> his/her visit to the plant room to inspect the damage in my 
> apartment.  I would like to coordinate a time that is good for both of us.
> Thank you and regards,
> Craig Laforest
> Ph: 0409 323 585
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 7:21 PM, George Ziri <Georgeziri at bfms.com.au 
> <mailto:Georgeziri at bfms.com.au>> wrote:
>     Maxine would you be kind to advise the insurer so they can arrange
>     for an assessor to inspect please.
>     ________________________________________________________
>     *George Ziri | Operations*
>     **
>     *Building Facilities Management Solutions Pty Ltd*
>     Direct: 0400 300 242 | Facsimile: 9547 3132 | PO BOX A2319 SYDNEY
>     SOUTH NSW 1235
>     visit us www.bfms.com.au <http://www.bfms.com.au>
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> Craig Laforest
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