[200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Group meeting
John Burmey
j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au
Thu Oct 31 12:12:29 AEDT 2024
Works for me Craig - john
From: ec <ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au> On Behalf Of cscl at optusnet.com.au
Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2024 9:27 AM
To: 'Sarah | AscendCorp Strata' <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>; 'Paul Mooney' <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au>
Cc: ec at 200william.com
Subject: Re: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Group meeting
Good morning,
I am available for the evening of Nov19 and would suggest that the AGM is later January as many will be away for the Xmas period. Can we lock in the 19th asap please.
From: Sarah | AscendCorp Strata <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2024 8:50 AM
To: 'Paul Mooney' <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> >; 'cscl at optusnet.com.au' <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Cc: 'ec at 200william.com' <ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Group meeting
Hi All,
I have a meeting scheduled on November 11 so would be unable to attend an informal committee meeting.
Can the committee please confirm if I can do anything to assist with this process, would you like me to request the most competitive tender Canopy re-quote based on the updated scope of works? That way we have another one to compare as we will need three quotes to comply with the legislation with the works exceeding well over. $30k.
In the meantime would you like to push forward and convene the AGM this side of Christmas or wait until the new year?
Kind regards,
P 02 9799 1111 | E <mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au | W <http://www.ascendcorp.com.au/> www.ascendcorp.com.au
PO Box 419 NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2059 | A 100 Walker Street, NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
From: ec <ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au <mailto:ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au> > On Behalf Of Paul Mooney
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 6:38 PM
To: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>
Subject: Re: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Group meeting
Good morning,
Please note that I return on 11th and did say I can make myself available that same evening if necessary, however I would much prefer any other evening that week.
I still think it better if we keep it an informal meeting rather than an official minuted committee meeting.
I leave it to you, as a group, to see what suits you best .
Sent from my iPhone
On 28 Oct 2024, at 10:03 PM, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Thank you for the update Matt G.
I think it would be a good idea to have more than one quote on the works. Matt G, would you like to contact Paynter Dixon also, the company who worked on Zenith? I’m happy to do so if you are busy and I can provide them with the MJ quote, without prices. Let me know please. It would be good for us to have a comparison before we meet November 11.
On 28 Oct 2024, at 2:19 AM, Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> > wrote:
Hi all,
I apologise for not being in touch, I have been away for work and when I have been here I was dealing with some big Head of State visits to Australia.
That has wrapped up now and I am free again to pick this up.
Craig, I understand you have been informed MJ has been let go. After the two very disappointing meetings with them, they came back with no new information or scope of works. I don't feel we were a priority of theirs nor they were presenting the most correct information. We still have the report and can use it to test other quotes.
I spoke to a company called Buildcorp who can oversee all of this for us. Buildcorp came and inspected, they have provided some indicative notes on the works and costs.
To summarise -
1. Hoarding is expensive. If we are required to put hoarding up (to do minimal flammable cladding), better to use it to do tiles, facade and painting instead of getting it installed again.
2. External tiles to level 1/2: We are running the risk of a known issue causing injury to a member of the public. Buildcorp recommend a 'tap test' to see how many have failing adhesive. This will cost around $7.5k but can get us out of water quickly. There could also be a DA required if we remove tiles and dont replace like for like (eg. if we just paint and render).
3. Cladding replacement will run to approx $250k, plus hoarding. DA required unless we replace like for like.
4. Balcony repair - $40 - $125k each depending on size of balcony.
5. Around $500k for painting alone (no facade works).
6. Facade works need to be costed in more detailed quote and full building inspection.
The full email is below:
1. [B-Class] hoardings costs are usually required for undertaking any significant work at height within CoS. Associated CoS permit fees and ongoing rental rates for same can be determined from their online calculator
<https://apps.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/calculators/hoardings/> https://apps.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/calculators/hoardings/
As a guide, the permit fees for 70m of B-Class hoarding for 40weeks is in the order of $35-40,000.
The actual hoarding costs to install / erect and hire for this period could be in the region of circa $200-250K
Therefore, it is imperative that works requiring hoardings are completed as expeditiously as possible – once works commence.
1. A ‘tap test’ on external tiles from a Consulting Engineer would provide an indication on adhesion of cladding tiles – especially those over 2.4m in height (where dislodgment impacts would be more severe than otherwise). Fees for undertaking this testing and associated reporting could be in the region of $7,500 – but may provide better value-for-money than undertaking a FULL removal / replacement scope in the near term [IF an extended betterment programme for the entire building was being proposed in the medium term). Suitable Engineers to undertake this testing would include, but not be limited to;
Apex Façade Consultants Contact - Apex FC <http://apexfc.com.au/contact/>
Core Engineering Consultants Contact Us | CORE Consulting Engineers <https://coreconsultingengineers.com.au/contact-us/>
ACOR Consultants Sydney | ACOR <https://www.acor.com.au/sydney/>
1. As a guide, if circa 200m2 of cladding tiles were to be removed, the costs (excluding hoarding costs as outlined above) could be in the region of $50-75K
2. The options for dealing with the substrate following any tile removal would likely be either (from least expensive to most expensive);
1. Render and Paint
2. Retile
3. Apply new cladding [manufactured stone, etc]
A guide to costs for circa 200m2 would be in the region of [a] $100-125K, to [c] of circa $225K.
1. Typically, non-complying ACP Cladding replacement is initiated by either the Local Authority [CoS], building insurers, tenants [commercial], NSWFB or independently by Strata.
2. Local Authority’s typically instigate the removal process via issuing of a Fire Order [FO] or Building Rectification Order [BRO]
3. If non-compliant cladding is to be replaced outside either of the 2 mechanisms outlined in {6 above}, a Development Application [DA] is required to be submitted detailing all matters relating to material type, colour and engineering.
4. The costs of drafting plans, compiling all documents, paying fees and charges for these specific works could be around $35-40K, so would be better to combine as part of a wholistic betterment package than in isolation.
5. An indicative guide to replace circa 100m2 of non-compliant ACP cladding with new 3mm solid aluminium cladding at height would be $175-200K and take 6 weeks to complete {again with B-Class hoarding required below].
6. The typical Warranty period for liquid membranes is 15/20 years. Having said that, some membranes keep functioning as intended well after these periods. To determine any systemic membrane failure, a ‘leak-register’ should be established – where building occupants are invited to lodge any evidence of water ingress during severe rain events. This provides an opportunity for a Building Manager to determine potential sources of water entry [ie; through substrate, downpipe split, plumbing pipe burst {or even a window left open on the floor above}. Over time, this catalogue of water issues will provide a good guide as to how the membrane is performing and/or if other building components are failing sufficiently to allow water to penetrate cavities.
7. Costs associated with replacement of balcony tiles/membrane systems are largely dependent on the scale and complexity of external access required to reach same. For this reason, it is sometime more cost efficient to undertake vertical ‘drops’ of balconies – rather than ‘piecemeal’ around both height and perimeter of the property. Costs on a $/m2 are also affected by the area quantum and extent of interfacing detailing required to be repaired. Indicatively, a 15m2 balcony at ground/1st floor level could cost around $25-30K to rectify (excluding any sliding door or balustrade replacement). The same balcony on level 6 could cost $125-130K to repair, by the time access scaffolding is erected. If new sliding doors are required, the additional costs could be circa $5K ea.
8. Painting is also dependent on quantum and complexity, but more emphasis needs to be placed on substrate quality [rather than recoating in isolation] – as this can be extremely hard to determine without destructive investigations (usually undertaken once access systems are in place around a building)
9. As a guide, rope technicians / painters cost around $1,000/day and it would be not a stretch to have 5 technicians on a medium sized building for 10 weeks trying to make repairs before any new paint hit the walls. [5x5x10 = 250days]
10. Should more extensive repairs be required to external render trims, lintels, corbels, etc – then the magnitude of repair costs could easily double.
11. If all external walls were to be repaired / painted, it may be beneficial to consider incorporating a membrane system into the coating – not just decorative finish. A façade engineer could provide further input around benefits here.
12. A DA would likely not be required if repainting a building in same colours, however if betterment is the key objective, most Strata’s take the opportunity of changing colours to modernise building appearance.
13. Painting a medium-sized apartment building could cost in the region of $250-300K – depending on access methodology and material selection.
I got Greg to send me the building reports from as far back as he had. I have them from 2019 and can compile a list of reported leaks from here. Buildcorp believe we can use this to create a leak register, identifying problem balconies and water ingress areas. I have started working on this already. From here I hope we can surgically create a scope of balcony works that can sharpen up any quote from any builder.
I am available for a Zoom or in-person meeting. I believe in-person is better.
Matt G
From: John Burmey <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2024 12:47 PM
To: matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> >; 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >; cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Cc: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
I agree Matt, also, my reading of Matt Guy is that he is currently too busy, not that he is no longer interested in involvement. Cheers john
From: matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> >
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2024 8:41 AM
To: 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >; cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> ; 'John Burmey' <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
I also have not spoke tot Matt G so i cant confirm he no longer doing the task that he volunteered for. I think the best course of action is have another meeting when Paul returns to decided the way forward. I think to move forward we need someone with technical expertise to direct the project they also need to be accountable to the BMC in my mind that person is Greg and that work falls within his scope. But I think best to discuss it on his return. I currently have Greg looking into the leaks in Kylie's apartment and reporting back to the BMC as the water appears to be coming from a mechanical services duct.
Paul when do you return.
Matt Perkins
On 28 Oct 2024 at 8:18 AM +1100, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> , wrote:
Hello Kylie,
Thank you for the update from you, below. I didn’t know that Matt G had advised this as I haven’t received any emails from him.
I am happy to contact Buildcorp and the company I mentioned in one of my emails recently, Paynter Dixon, who worked on the Zenith Apartments on Kings Cross road, if everyone would please let me know asap. I know Matt P is also very busy with his father’s situation and his work.
Thank you and regards,
From: Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >
Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2024 5:36 PM
To: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> ; Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> ; John Burmey <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >
Subject: Re: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Hi Craig
We did hear from Matt G that he simply doesn’t have time to pursue anything as he’s very busy with work commitments.
Warm Regards,
Sent from my iPhone
On 27 Oct 2024, at 5:04 pm, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Hi Matt P,
Thank you for the update.
And there lies the problem, as I hadn’t received any EC emails re the meeting, nor the decision made to let MJ go and investigate an alternative to MJ. I appreciate your advice on the developments. Matt G, over to you to provide an update please.
From: matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> >
Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2024 4:52 PM
To: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> ; 'John Burmey' <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >; 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >
Subject: RE: FW: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Thanks Craig,
Sorry again I was told on Friday that Ryan had contacted you with all the details so it seems that's in error. I will summarise quickly. At the meeting that was held when you were O/S it was decided that MJ be sacked as it appeared there quotes and options did not correctly match the problems within the building. Matt G invested other options with a company called BuildCORP which all looked really good i think to the majority at the meeting. Matt was going to follow up further with BuildCORP but I have not gotten any further info as I have been away then had to return and have been busy with Dad. So you might have to follow up with MattG. I did see your emails just had not had a chance to reply.
Warm Regards
Matt Perkins
On 27 Oct 2024 at 1:17 PM +1100, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> , wrote:
Sorry to read about your dad Matt. It is not easy when a parent has to go into hospital and also have your homelife/work happening. Best wishes with your dad.
Ryan did not contact me, so I will call him this week and follow up.
From: matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au <mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> >
Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2024 9:22 AM
To: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> ; 'John Burmey' <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >; 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >
Subject: Re: FW: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Sorry Craig, I have been very busy; my dad is in the hospital at the moment and I'm trying to juggle work and hospital visits. Sarah informed me that Ryan was in contact with you. I'm not sure how further i can help you.
Matt Perkins
On 27 Oct 2024 at 9:03 AM +1100, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> , wrote:
Hello Matt P and Matt G,
Would you please advise if you are receiving my emails? I have been sending my emails, below, to the ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> address but I know there have been problems with that address in the past. Did you receive my emails at that address? Please advise.
If you didn’t receive them, I am sending them again in this email to your personal email addresses.
Thank you.
From: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2024 12:37 PM
To: 'John Burmey' <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >; 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >; 'paulmooney at manxpm.com.au' <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au <mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au> >
Cc: 'ec at 200william.com' <ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Hello EC members,
It’s been 2 months since my original email of August 22 (below) to Ryan at Ascend re MJ Engineering and I haven’t had the courtesy of any response, even after several follow-ups. I’m not impressed.
As committee members, we have an obligation to other owners when they ask for updates re the potential works on our building whether it’s by MJ Engineering or another company. MJ Engineering brought contractors through in late May, 5 months ago.
I happened to meet one of the contractors for Paynter Dixon, who are still working on the Zenith apartments. They’re also more than willing to provide a quote.
Matt P and Matt G, would you kindly reply to my email below, dated Oct19, just to let other EC members know if you have heard from Ryan. I’ve heard back from Kylie, John and Paul.
Thank you and regards,
From: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Sent: Sunday, 20 October 2024 11:55 AM
To: 'John Burmey' <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >; 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >
Cc: 'ec at 200william.com' <ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Thanks John and Kylie. We have waited so long for information, and nothing has arrived, so far, it appears. I’ll wait for a response from Matt P, Paul and Matt G to see if any of them have heard anything.
From: John Burmey <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au <mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> >
Sent: Sunday, 20 October 2024 11:30 AM
To: 'Kylie Curtis' <kyliempearce at icloud.com <mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com> >; cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Hi Craig,
I have heard nothing yet – regards john
From: ec <ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au <mailto:ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au> > On Behalf Of Kylie Curtis
Sent: Sunday, 20 October 2024 9:05 AM
To: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>
Subject: Re: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] FW: Building rectification works
Hi Craig
No I haven’t heard a thing either.
Warm Regards,
Sent from my iPhone
On 19 Oct 2024, at 5:34 pm, cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Good afternoon EC,
Has anyone heard from Ryan, further to my follow-up emails below? I haven’t heard back from him, nor Sarah. Please advise.
Thank you and regards,
From: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Sent: Sunday, 29 September 2024 5:09 PM
To: 'Ryan | AscendCorpStrata' <ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Cc: 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au <mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au> >; 'ec at 200william.com' <ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> >; 'sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au' <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Building rectification works
Hello Ryan,
I have just returned from overseas and am following up on the email I sent to you below, dated August 22. I didn’t receive any update from you, following my request. Can you please explain if there is anything you need from the EC before you can provide this update?
Thank you and regards,
From: ec <ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au <mailto:ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au> > On Behalf Of cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, 22 August 2024 5:09 PM
To: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>
Cc: 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au <mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au> >; 'Ryan | AscendCorpStrata' <ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Subject: Re: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Building rectification works
Hello Ryan, Sarah and EC,
It’s been 3 weeks since your visit to MJ Engineering, Ryan. Would you please provide an update for us. This matter has taken too long since our introduction to MJ Engineering back in May.
Thank you and regards,
From: cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> >
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 4:57 PM
To: 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com <mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com> >; 'ec at 200william.com' <ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com> >
Cc: 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au <mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au> >; 'Ryan | AscendCorpStrata' <ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Subject: RE: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Building rectification works
It was a great time spent this afternoon to get together and review what had been done in the past. I know that the mission is still ahead of us and I don’t hold much confidence in MJ.
Great work also Matt G for the information below. As soon as the changes come through from the engineer let’s arrange another zoom meeting.
From: ec <ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au <mailto:ec-bounces at mailman.perkins.id.au> > On Behalf Of Matthew Guy
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 3:38 PM
To: ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>
Cc: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au <mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au> >; Ryan | AscendCorpStrata <ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au <mailto:ryan at ascendcorpstrata.com.au> >
Subject: [200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Building rectification works
Hi all,
Just to catch everyone up with a timeline and update on the building works. I have spoken to Ryan this afternoon.
MJ Engineering
Ryan is going to visit MJ Engineering tomorrow to discuss their involvement in the rectification works. I have advised Ryan the committee is not impressed with MJ so far and he said Sarah agrees.
Ryan will raise the following:
1. Errors in tender document
1. Calculation of budget mistakes
1. Incorrect transfer of works items from Technical Specifications to Tender document
1. Missing items from tender: repair of delaminated render, cladding replacement
1. Requirement to re-do level 7 Western rooftop
1. Edyco confirm this is waterproofed and has a 4 year warranty. Why does MJ believe it needs to be done again?
1. Timeframe
1. New technical specifications document (if required) removing Western rooftop?
1. New tender pricing with missed items / amended scope.
1. Another meeting to discuss technical specifications changes and tender document.
Before MJ go any further with this project, the committee needs to be fully invested in their ability to manage this project in the best interests of the owners and building. We are far from that point at present and Ryan will raise this with MJ tomorrow.
Sarah raised the concern last week that, should we fail to complete some required building works, our insurer may refuse to insure the building and we will revert to uninsured.
Ryan is going to speak with our insurer to obtain more information on what and when works need to be completed. This will shape our decisions in the coming weeks. I will update when I have more information.
AGM and Budget
As we are due for an AGM and the above works will require a building-wide vote, we will schedule the AGM when all information above is received.
I will update all when we have more information.
Matt G
ec mailing list
ec at mailman.perkins.id.au <mailto:ec at mailman.perkins.id.au>
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