[200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

Sarah | AscendCorp Strata sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au
Mon Nov 27 10:50:18 AEDT 2023

Hi All,

Apologies I was off on Friday and am just catching up on all the emails.

Regarding the doors to Unit 601, the cost for the replacement to the doors would need to go to an EGM, and your current budget does not allow for these repairs.

Can I suggest that we proceed with Option 3 - Repair with new stainless track capping as an interim solution, at a cost of $1,980 with Metro windows and doors.

The doors are common property, and any changes (such as French doors) would need a special by-law drafted and be approved at an EGM.

I note that we are awaiting the report from the engineers in relation to the external façade inspection, I had a verbal conversation with the engineer on Friday in relation to the issues he identified during his inspection, and this will all be outlined in the report which will be of upmost importance to address as a priority, especially considering we are now under a lot of pressure from the buildings insurer to address the façade concerns.

If the committee can please confirm you agree with option 3 for 601 as an interim solution, and any further repairs/replacement can be considered at the next EGM (early 2024).

Kind regards,


P  02 9799 1111  |   E  sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>   |   W www.ascendcorp.com.au<http://www.ascendcorp.com.au/>
PO Box 419 NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2059  |  A  100 Walker Street, NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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From: cscl at optusnet.com.au <cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 11:00 AM
To: matt at perkins.id.au; 'EC Mailing List' <ec at 200william.com>; 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au>; Sarah | AscendCorp Strata <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>; 'Tony Mangraviti' <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>
Subject: RE: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

As we say in Australia…………..”no worries.”

From: matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 10:44 AM
To: 'EC Mailing List' <ec at 200william.com<mailto:ec at 200william.com>>; 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>>; 'Sarah AscendCorpStrata' <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>>; 'Tony Mangraviti' <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au<mailto:tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>>; cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Subject: RE: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

Hi Craig,
You may not be aware that quoting in red in 2023 is seen by many as aggressive behavior. Perhaps that was not your intent and if so, I apologize. It looks very much like a school teacher marking work.

You should be able to understand, however, that your own words here are fairly unambiguous.

"Would the EC please decide on the quotes as soon as possible as I have waited a year for this issue to be resolved?"

That statement seems to be asking us to approve a quote? I hope you can see where I got confused here.

You are well aware that the engineer is currently finalizing the building report, and when the results of that report are complete, we will have a better idea of the budget and then plan to call an EGM to adjust the budget. It seems to me to be the best plan if there are any matters regarding the doors to do it at the same time.

On 26 Nov 2023 at 9:32 AM +1100, cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>, wrote:

I’m not berating you……..or any of the committee members!

You stated “we’re all getting way ahead of yourselves here” which indicates, clearly, that you think we, the committee members, are putting the cart before the horse. I simply responded, “I don’t believe that we are……getting way ahead of ourselves.”

We, the committee members, totally understand the sequence of what must be done for any matter, like mine. That’s why we have a committee, and we must follow the process. I know the law and I’m not asking “for us to spend money we don’t have” as you state. Note what I did ask at the end of my email i.e. ”Can we organize an EGM asap please”.


From: matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2023 9:54 AM
To: 'EC Mailing List' <ec at 200william.com<mailto:ec at 200william.com>>; 'Marquis' <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>>; 'Sarah AscendCorpStrata' <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>>; 'Tony Mangraviti' <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au<mailto:tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>>; cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

I’m. Not saying that the door won’t be changed what I’m saying is you need to go through the correct process. Berating your fellow committee members does little to help.

If you want to make a material change to the building work with Sarah on a proposed bylaw. If you want to have the doors replaced. We can propose that in a budget item at the next egm. It’s not within the law for us to spend money we don’t have. No matter how much you wish it so. I’m not sure what you expect us to do. We can’t approve 25k that is not in the budget.


On 24 Nov 2023 at 8:57 AM +1100, cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>, wrote:

Hello Matt and everyone,

Thank you for your ‘break down’ Matt, however, I don’t believe that “we’re all getting way ahead of yourselves here”. We must rely on the experts’ reports.

Please open the attached pictures to elucidate the problems:

  1.  Picture one (Lounge Room Doors 3 Panels) shows that I have one fixed panel and 2 sliding doors, inside the same frame. The problem is shown in Picture two.
  2.  Picture two (Lounge Door) shows the warping at the top right-hand side of the frame. Please scroll in - the door is closed and the right-hand top side is, because of the warping, more obvious than at the bottom right hand side of the door. It becomes impossible to open and close the sliding doors because of this.
  3.  Picture three (Kitchen Door) – please scroll in. In this picture, you can see that the warping is at the bottom right-hand side when the door is closed (compared to the top). Again, the door becomes impossible to open and close because of this.

Please also see my responses below (in red), to Matt’s email of November 23.

Thank you everyone,

From: matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 6:52 PM
To: cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>; Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com<mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com>>
Cc: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>>; j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au<mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au>; Paul Mooney <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au<mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au>>; Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com<mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>>; Sarah AscendCorpStrata <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>>; Tony Mangraviti <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au<mailto:tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>>
Subject: Re: EXT - Re: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

Hi All,
 I think you are all getting way ahead of yourselves here. I will break it down.

Point 1.
If the owner is happy with the new stainless track and wheels, I would approve that option. It's within the scope of the committee's ability to approve that, and it's not too far out of the budget as a repair. Notwithstanding comments, there are a lot of north-facing large doors that have had this modification, and it's an adequate value-for-money repair in my view.

I need to highlight again the report of the experts, regarding this matter in the lounge room (and kitchen).  In the past year, BFMS contacted several companies to investigate the problem. One installed new wheels, however, the wheels didn’t work. It’s not a case of adding a new track or wheels. The frames in the lounge room and the kitchen are warped and out of alignment.

Point 2.
Regarding the owner paying an excess and upgrading the doors to French doors, this is outside the scope of what the committee can approve. It's a material change to the building and would require a vote of special resolution at an EGM/AGM. It would require a bylaw that would pass the responsibility of the major renovation to the owner, including all waterproofing. Personally, I think people should be able to do upgrades as they like as long as they don't affect others. So, I would vote in favor at the AGM as long as it did not impact the building financially.

I’m glad you agree to this point, Matt, as I note you upgraded to have personal outdoor heating, above your balcony. Similarly to your upgrade, in order that I can have more air flow into my kitchen, I would like to have French doors, and, as you state, “as long as they don’t affect others”. The current framework in the kitchen is warped and this is the perfect opportunity for French doors to be installed. And I am happy to pay the difference between a sliding door and the French doors. As this problem of the frames warping is part of the building construction, the responsibility of the works would be part of building costs and not mine.

Point 3.
This expense of replacing these doors (or any) is way outside the last budget. It would need to be put to an AGM/EGM in the next budget (coming up soon as our last was an interim). It's a major replacement not a repair. Like doing the facade or painting the building. It needs all owners to agree. It's outside our scope this expense is not trivial.

It would be wonderful to have this matter attended to as soon as possible. Can we organize an EGM asap please.

On 23 Nov 2023 at 6:07 PM +1100, Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com<mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com>>, wrote:
Thanks Craig. Yes it sounds like replacing them is the only way. And you’ve had a good number of quotes.

And it also sounds like it’s a bigger problem with a lot of the balcony doors across the building as per Matt and John’s previous emails.

Would be good to get a sense of how many In the whole apartment block that need replacing so we can get them all done at once, if we have the funds.

Warm Regards,
Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Nov 2023, at 5:21 pm, cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> wrote:

Hello Kylie and everyone,
I have had several companies come through my apartment to inspect the doors and they have provided their reports. My apartment is the only way (along with 602) to have 3 sliding doors in the same opening and we have tried everything to get them to roll easier. Please refer to the information provided by Greg in the opening paragraph. The reports state clearly that the only successful way is to replace them.

From: matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 3:47 PM
To: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>>; Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com<mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com>>
Cc: j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au<mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au>; MQ 601 - Craig LaForest <cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>>; Paul Mooney <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au<mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au>>; Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com<mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>>; Sarah AscendCorpStrata <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>>; Tony Mangraviti <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au<mailto:tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>>
Subject: Re: EXT - Re: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

Hy Kylie,
 Mine were changed for the stainless track and wheels about 4 years ago. Been fine ever since. It cost about $800 back then.   The Doors like your balcony is in fact common property. So it's strata responsibility.  Same for your entry door.  Internal doors are yours.

On 23 Nov 2023 at 3:29 PM +1100, Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com<mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com>>, wrote:
Hi Greg

So doors and windows on every apartment can be replaced by strata if they are difficult to open?

I didn’t realise that. I was going to get some quotes for my windows which are difficult to open.

Is there a limit to how much strata is expected to pay for someone’s personal apartment balcony doors?

Should we inspect the doors that are difficult to open in 601 and make a decision ?

What does everyone else think?

 And does anyone else have balcony doors or windows that are difficult to open in their apartments? We might get a discount if there are other balcony doors that need replacing too.
Warm Regards,
Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Nov 2023, at 3:10 pm, Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>> wrote:

Dear Kylie,

No, if the committee accepted option 2 , strata would pay the whole of option 1. And the lot owner would pay the outstanding difference between option 1 and 2.

If the committee accepted option 1, then strata would pay the whole of option 1.

Dear Sarah, would like to confirm if a bylaw be required for option 2 as the doors would not be like for like?

Kind Regards

Greg Newton

Building Manager

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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From: Kylie Curtis <kyliempearce at icloud.com<mailto:kyliempearce at icloud.com>>
Sent: 23 November 2023 13:58
To: Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>>
Cc: j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au<mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au> <j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au<mailto:j.burney at auscorpimage.com.au>>; MQ 601 - Craig LaForest <cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>>; Paul Mooney <paulmooney at manxpm.com.au<mailto:paulmooney at manxpm.com.au>>; matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au> <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>; Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com<mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>>; Sarah AscendCorpStrata <sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au<mailto:sarah at ascendcorpstrata.com.au>>; Tony Mangraviti <tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au<mailto:tony.mangraviti at bfms.com.au>>
Subject: EXT - Re: Unit 601 - Lounge room & kitchen sliding doors

Hi Greg

Thank you for the information.

Just to be clear, will strata be expected to pay for whole quote or just the difference between option 1&2?

If it’s just the difference I agree for the strata to pay difference between option 1 and 2.
Warm Regards,
Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Nov 2023, at 12:30 pm, Marquis <Marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>> wrote:

Dear Committee members, I trust you are well.

The owner of Apartment 601 reported that the lounge room and kitchen sliding doors were extremely difficult to open and close;

BFMS carried out multiple inspections and contacted the following seven door specialists to provide further advice; Their advice was as follows

Lock & Roll – unable to provide a quote for repairs. Recommended a full replacement.

Dormakaba – unable to provide a quote.

Window Line – unable to provide a quote.

Skilled Projects – quote provided for full replacement. (Please see attached)

The Right Builder – quote provided for full replacement. (Please see attached)

Metro Windows and Doors – quoted for interim repairs to existing doors (note: not a permanent solution)(Please see attached)

Lock & Roll and Dormakaba have inspected and advised the following;

Lounge Room - 3 Panels Sliding Doors

The bottom rail has warped, and recommended door replacement.

Kitchen - 2 Panels Sliding Doors

The door panel has warped, which does not allow the door to seal when closed, and door replacement is recommended.

There are 3 options to consider

Option 1 - Quotes (Like for Like)

Supply and replace the existing lounge room sliding door with new 3-panel sliding Doors (Slide/Slide/Fixed)

Supply and replace the existing Kitchen sliding door with new 2-panel sliding Doors (Slide/Fixed)

Waterproofing Hob

Home Warranty Insurance (HOM)

Quotes Obtained

The Right Builder $ 24,575.23

Central Coast Shop Front    $ 18,832.00 (Exclude door removal, waterproofing works and HOM)  

Skilled Project $ 25,025.00

Option 2 Quotes (Lot Owner Preferred - Kitchen French Door)

Supply and replace the existing lounge room slide door with new 3-panel sliding Doors (Slide/Slide/Fixed)

Supply and replace the existing Kitchen sliding door with new 2-panel French Doors (Swing/Swing)

Waterproofing Hob

Home Warranty Insurance (HOM)

Quotes Obtained

The Right Builder  $26,329.00

Central Coast ShopFront       $ 18,436.00   (Exclude Door removal, waterproofing works and HOM)

Skilled Project $ 25,960.00

The Lot Owner has requested the Strata Committee to approve Option 2 and agreed to pay the cost difference between Option 1 & 2.

Option 3 - Repair with new stainless track capping (Interim Solution)

Supply and install new aftermarket stainless track capping over the existing bottom rail.

Supply and install new 6 x rollers per door (3 per side), as the current two rollers are underrated for the door.

The current Roller is rated at 12 kg each.

The existing door weight is approximately 60kg.

Quote Obtained

Metro Windows and Door $1,980.00

Please note that this repair is not an interim approach and not a permanent solution. Metro Windows can only provide a 12-month warranty for any repairs and recommended replacement of the doors.

We seek further instructions from the strata committee and should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me

Kind Regards

Greg Newton

Building Manager

Building Facilities Management Solutions
200 William Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2111
T: 0488 388 313
Email: marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>

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