[200WILLIAM-EC SP67851] Meeting

Craig Laforest cscl at optusnet.com.au
Fri Feb 24 10:58:04 AEDT 2023

Thanks. I will confirm re March 09 as soon as I can. I will hopefully have my computer back tonight. Will contact Hermetica to confirm whether or not they will organise weekly flowers. 
 -------- Original Message ----------

 Hi All,  Thanks for a very productive meeting. CRAIG Regarding the
EGM 6:30 on the 9th of March for the EGM to change to Ascend can you
please confirm you a free for that date. I will need to send out the
notices with 7 days notice. Craig also offered to talk to the
florist  about flowers ongoing. MATT. Matt to contact Darren about
opening the roof back up . ALL. Have a look at down stairs and email
back some ideas for lighting Matt to then arrange quotes with Darren
and present to Arnold. -- ** DO NOT SEND PRIVATE OR CONFIDENTIAL
MATERIAL VIA EMAIL /* Matt Perkins Direct 02 8916 8101 Spectrum
Networks Ptd. Ltd. Office 1300 133 299 matt at spectrum.com.au [1] ABN 66
090 112 913 Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000 */

[1] mailto:matt at spectrum.com.au

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