[200William-EC SP67851] FW: Avis Budget - Kings Cross

Matthew Perkins - Private matt at perkins.id.au
Thu Mar 3 15:32:54 AEDT 2022

Hi Leanne,

  Will they be making good on all the excess fire plant for the tank on 
the north facing balcony and north side of the building. Up to and 
including level 5. Associated water and pneumatic plumbing.


On 3/3/2022 2:18 pm, Leanne Eardley wrote:
> Afternoon,
> Please see below email for your information.
> Kind Regards,
> *Leanne Eardley*
> Senior Community Manager
> **
> *t.*(02) 9266 2600
> *d.* (02) 9266 2648
> *e.* leardley at stratatitle.com.au <mailto:name at stratatitle.com.au>
> *a.* Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
> <https://smartercommunities.com.au/covid-19/>
> <https://issuu.com/smartercommunities/docs/0121_scmagazine_final_issuu>
> cid3266202371*image006.png at 01D80635.C2FB44B0 
> <https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnsw.strata.community%2F2021-strata-community-awards-finalists%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cleardley%40stratatitle.com.au%7C7b1d83e1e0d749bbd38f08d9d4000d4f%7C2579fdbe9584475e914839b6bc70b75d%7C0%7C0%7C637773918959270129%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=48Qko8dMtVwUzkX6lddjbgCf5CRxN%2FwXkYj2gExnuIs%3D&reserved=0>
> DISCLAIMER: Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional 
> Standards Legislation.Strata Title Management Group Pty Ltd takes no 
> responsibility for content included in this email when relating to a 
> client matter. Please view Smarter Communities’ full email 
> communication disclaimer smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer 
> <https://smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer/>
> *From:*Joe Menggolo <joe.menggolo at raywhite.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 3 March 2022 11:39 AM
> *To:* Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au>
> *Cc:* Edwina Collins <edwina.collins at propertybeyond.com.au>
> *Subject:* RE: Avis Budget - Kings Cross
> You don't often get email from joe.menggolo at raywhite.com. Learn why 
> this is important <http://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification>
> *WARNING. This email was received from an external sender. You should 
> verify the email address before processing the email.*
> Dear Leanne,
> We are the managing agent of Lot 1 SP67850 and forward herewith email 
> from Edwina Collins of Property Beyond, on behalf of AVIS (the Lessee) 
> for your information.
> The Lessee has now vacated the premises and, as part of the 
> decommission, they will remove the petrol pump and tank in the 
> basement. They also need to take environmental sample to make sure 
> there was no contamination. The work will be carried out from 7 – 11 
> March 2022 and there will be noise onsite from the works.
> The contractor for the Lessee also asked if your office has 
> construction drawing on file.
> If you have any queries or wish to discuss this matter further, please 
> do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
> Kind Regards,
> *Joe Menggolo*
> Commercial Property Manager|Ray White City South
> Ray White
> *M*0420 308 107 <tel:0420+308+107>
> *A*Suite 44E, Level 3, 650 George Street, Sydney, New South Wales 
> 2000, Australia
> The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are 
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> notify the sender by reply e-mail or phone and delete this message and 
> its attachments, if any. Opinions, conclusions and other information 
> in this document that do not relate to the official business of Ray 
> White City South shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.
> *From:*Edwina Collins <edwina.collins at propertybeyond.com.au>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 2 March 2022 2:38 PM
> *To:* Joe Menggolo <joe.menggolo at raywhite.com>
> *Subject:* Re: Avis Budget - Kings Cross
> Hi Joe,
> Great to chat earlier. As discussed, do let the Strata know that there 
> will be noise onsite from the works. They will actually be on site 
> from Monday 7 March, and should wrap up 10 – 11 March.
> Thank you,
> Edwina
> Associate
> *M*   +61 407 776740
> *E*_edwina.collins at propertybeyond.com.au_
> signature_1425938350
> Confidentiality/Limited Liability Statement. This message contains 
> privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of 
> the addressee named above. If you are not the intended recipient of 
> this message, you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in 
> reliance on it. If you have received this message in error, please 
> notify Property Beyond Pty Ltd immediately. Any views expressed in 
> this message are those of the individual sender, except where the 
> sender specifically states them to be the views of Property Beyond Pty 
> Ltd. The sender cannot guarantee that this email or any attachment to 
> it is free of computer viruses or other conditions which may damage or 
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> consequence of its use.
> *From: *Edwina Collins <edwina.collins at propertybeyond.com.au>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 2:55 pm
> *To: *Joe Menggolo <joe.menggolo at raywhite.com>
> *Subject: *Re: Avis Budget - Kings Cross
> Hi Joe,
> I hope you’ve been well.
> As part of the Kings Cross decommission, please be advised that OPEC 
> have proceeding with core holes in the ramp as planned for the 
> environmental samples. OPEC have let me know that they believe there 
> is no structural considerations with the ramp, however, are still 
> approaching with caution. They have let me know that if at any stage 
> they need to reassess during the concrete penetration stage, they will 
> let me know immediately. They are using a concrete core, so that it is 
> not as destructive as a road raw or concrete raw.
> Please note that the environmental works are the last portion of works 
> and will most likely be completed on the Thursday 10^th March. Also, 
> that there will be some noise issues throughout the process. Do let me 
> know if this is a problem.
> OPEC have asked if you have any available drawings for the 
> construction of the ramp on file?
> Thank you,
> Edwina
> Associate
> *M*   +61 407 776740
> *E*_edwina.collins at propertybeyond.com.au_
> signature_1425938350
> Confidentiality/Limited Liability Statement. This message contains 
> privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of 
> the addressee named above. If you are not the intended recipient of 
> this message, you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in 
> reliance on it. If you have received this message in error, please 
> notify Property Beyond Pty Ltd immediately. Any views expressed in 
> this message are those of the individual sender, except where the 
> sender specifically states them to be the views of Property Beyond Pty 
> Ltd. The sender cannot guarantee that this email or any attachment to 
> it is free of computer viruses or other conditions which may damage or 
> interfere with data, hardware or software with which it might be used. 
> It is sent on the strict condition that the user carries out and 
> relies on its own procedures for ensuring that its use will not 
> interfere with the recipient’s systems and the recipient assumes all 
> risk of use and absolves the sender of all responsibility for any 
> consequence of its use.
> _______________________________________________
> EC mailing list
> EC at 200william.com
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Matt Perkins
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