James Cheng jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au
Mon Jun 20 15:12:54 AEST 2022

Hi All,

Thank you for your input and confirmation.

I will start drafting the meeting notice to approve the quotation, contract and raising the special levy $80k + GST in 2 x instalment. (In August and September). Once I have received the official quotation and contract from Master Waterproofing, I will send over the drafted notice for your review and approve.

Another email has sent to Master Waterproofing to follow up the quotation.
Thank you.

Kind Regards,

James Cheng
Senior Community Manager

[cid:image.png at 07a4406b0d9d19ddcc64833.07a4406b0]

t.  (02) 9266 2600
e. jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:afripp at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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------------------- Original Message -------------------
From: GUY M & KROOK S <matthew_guy at hotmail.com>;
Received: Fri Jun 17 2022 18:36:30 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
To: PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS MATTHEW <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS MATTHEW <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>;
Cc: LAFOREST CRAIG <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST C <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>;

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Fine with me.


On 17 Jun 2022, at 4:31 pm, Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au> wrote:

Yes that sounds good to me Craig.

Matt ?

On 17/6/2022 4:07 pm, Craig Laforest wrote:
Based on the trust definitely having 321K in it, I’m happy with two instalments totalling 80K plus GST = equals 88K. Can we do two lots of $44K which provides a little extra.
Regards all.

From: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>
Sent: Friday, 17 June 2022 3:51 PM
To: James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au><mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>; GUY M & KROOK S <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>

Thanks James. That all sounds great. I would say given the size of the account we should raise the special levy for the same amount as the extra works ~80 in 2x installments which should help peoples cash flow a bit.

Craig/Matt do you agree if so James can issue the appropriate paper meeting of the EC and of the EGM to follow.  If you do not agree please propose an alternative we can decided on quickly so building work can recommence ASAP.

Thanks for the quick response James.


On 17/6/2022 3:11 pm, James Cheng wrote:
Dear all,

Sorry for the late reply on this. Since we have the new email system rolled out, it has been delayed the workflow these few days.

Currently, the trust fund is having $321k in cash. To avoid further delay, once the Owners Corporation has approved the quotation at the meeting, I will recommend to issue the work order and have the work underway and wait for the special levy comes in.

I am not able to locate the formal quotation except the email estimation. I have talked to Master Waterproofing - John again today and be advised that they are waiting the quote from iCare for the Home Building Compensation Fund to be included in the formal quotation. EGM will be organised as long as I have received the information. Aiming to have the meeting held on the first week of July. It will be a paper meeting if the committee has no objection on this.

Also, please confirm the figure of special levy (incl. GST) and if it will be raised with one lumpsum payment or by instalment. (Maximum 2 x instalment recommended)

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

James Cheng
Senior Community Manager



t.  (02) 9266 2600
e. jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:afripp at stratatitle.com.au>
a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
DISCLAIMER: Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Strata Title Management Group Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for content included in this email when relating to a client matter. Please view Smarter Communities’ full email communication disclaimer smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer<https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsmartercommunities.com.au%2Fdisclaimer%2F&data=05%7C01%7CSCSTL1%40stratatitle.com.au%7C372ce10eef95435a809608da503c77c9%7C2579fdbe9584475e914839b6bc70b75d%7C0%7C0%7C637910517899983569%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2FgZuFj3u4jXBpHqFa4qu%2Fc4UuADFEnMHj6UHNsnrffU%3D&reserved=0>
------------------- Original Message -------------------
From: LAFOREST CRAIG STEPHEN CAREW <cscl at optusnet.com.au><mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>;
Received: Wed Jun 15 2022 09:38:56 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
To: PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; GUY M & KROOK S <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; GUY MATTHEW <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS MATTHEW <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; GUY M & KROOK S <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; PERKINS MATTHEW <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; GUY MATTHEW <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>; PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>;

WARNING. This email was received from an external sender. You should verify the email address before processing the email.

Hi Matt,

Let’s agree to disagree. Great that there are funds in the sinking fund.

I haven’t seen a copy of the Fund Management report you attached so good to read that there are funds in it.

Await James’s info. Thanks in advance James.


From: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2022 9:32 AM
To: Craig Laforest <cscl at optusnet.com.au><mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>; 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; 'James Cheng' <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>

Hi Craig,

 You are in error. I did not tell you the sinking funded had $7500 in it.   Attached is the latest report. You only need read it.  Is was referring to the administrative fund (now has $12,901 up from $7500) .  The sinking fund (which has been called the capital works fund for about 10 years) has $282,433 in it.

I will give you a call and explain it in detail.  The amount for the Special levy has not been decided as yet that's why we need to get the current correct info from James.

Kind regards


Good morning,

I can only reiterate that in the sinking fund we have $7,500 as the number you provided me Matt.

I believe the $123,000 has not been taken into account because I haven’t received any confirmation that it has been. Based on that and with the additional $88,000 required to repair the parapet area, we are looking at $211,000 and I have added an extra $9,000 for an allowance for any extras which will probably come up.

If James could confirm the funds we have as a special levy, that would be very helpful.

Thank you.

From: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au><mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:05 PM
To: Craig Laforest <cscl at optusnet.com.au><mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>; 'Matthew Guy' <matthew_guy at hotmail.com><mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au><mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>

On 14/6/2022 8:38 pm, Craig Laforest wrote:

Hello Gentlemen,

Inexcusable we weren't advised that our Strata Manager is no longer our Strata Manager.  Great that James, the man I referred you to Matt P, is now taking on her work.

I Agree

Im not sure your math is correct Craig. Firstly you are speaking about the sinking fund which is for planned maintenance (like lift renewal and building painting) not unplanned things like these water leaks. We could seek to take money from the sinking fund but im not sure what the process is to do that. I would need to check the statue but in any case it's not good practice. The other day  I was discussing the working balance that STM sent us all a few weeks back.  I believe the figure already takes into account liabilities as in the $123k for level 7 and 103 as it's approved it should already be apart of the accounting even though the contractor has not been paid. Im not 100% on this without looking at the P/L but I think it works on accruals it's more a question for the treasure but it would be normal accounting practice. I believe we only need the extra $80~k but set my mark at $150 so we had a buffer.  I have asked them to confirm as we will need to provide a good justification for this special levy or it wont pass and we will be back at square one. We need to get this correct which is why i asked for conformation out of an abundance of caution.

Apartment 401 is the responsibility of the owner it should not cost the strata any extra money. I mentioned it because if the fire certificate is not issued the council can kick us all out of the building. With any luck we will hear back from James soon and we can send out the paper meeting.


This is where we are in terms of accounting:

LEVEL 7 WEST. Work has stopped on this area, as have the works for apartment 103.  The contract to complete these works is with EDYCO.

I have spoken with Greg, the owner of EDYCO. When the tiles and membrane were pulled up on level 7 west it was found that water was also dripping down from the area of the parapet on the corner of William Street and Dowling street (above my kitchen) through to where my bedroom is.  In order for EDYCO to issue us with a warranty for their works for level 7 west alone, the parapet area has to be fixed by another company, which will mean contractors hanging from the side of the building, chipping away at the decaying area and then resealing.

EDYCO has not been paid anything yet for all the work they have done so far.  The EDYCO contract for level 7 West and apartment 103 is approximately $123,000 (includes GST).  Add to this another approximately $88,000 (Includes GST) for the parapet area I have described above and we're looking at a total of $212,000 approximately.

Further to our discussion Matt P, you have advised we basically have no funds in our sinking fund (you said about $7,500).

We must get these works going ASAP and I recommend we have a special levy, not for $100,000 but for $220,000 (to cover any extra emergencies). This excludes the situation with apartment 401 and "Project Remediate". We have major water problems in our building, outlined above.  Let's use the correct numbers as per above and advise owners accordingly.  If we keep going back to owners with incremental "Special Levies", it looks like we don't know what we're managing as Body Corporate members..

Please let me know your thoughts ASAP.

Best regards,


P.S. I've kept this information within the 3 of us as this stage as I'm not happy that Darren hasn't come to us with these numbers. He is, after all our building manager.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Guy <matthew_guy at hotmail.com<mailto:matthew_guy at hotmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2022 6:34 PM
To: Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>>
Cc: Craig Laforest <cscl at optusnet.com.au<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>>; James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>>; Darren Vignes <marquis at bfms.com.au<mailto:marquis at bfms.com.au>>
Subject: Re: STM

Hi Matt,

Thank you for all of this.

I am in favour of a lower special levy ($100k raised) for the works. We are working within a period of inflated strata fees as it is so don’t think we should push it unless absolutely necessary.

Will be interesting to see how James picks things up.


> On 14 Jun 2022, at 4:51 pm, Matthew Perkins - Private <matt at perkins.id.au<mailto:matt at perkins.id.au>> wrote:


> Hi Craig/Matthew,


>  I have finally spoken to STM. Apparently Leanne is on maternity leave and has been removed from our account. I have spoken to our new community manager James  who seems keen to help. First order of business is to raise the special levy to fix the two outstanding water leak issues and get 301 complete before NCAT is again involved. I have stressed to James how urgent this all is due to the delays by STM.  I hope that he can issue a paper meeting within the minimum statute time and get this covered off so we can tell the builders to come back and finish off.  I suggest we raise the levy for $150,000 I think the extra work is around ~80k so that should give us a good buffer for the extra work.  We could likely get away with $100k What do we all think. An explanatory note is going to need to go out with the EGM if we expect it to pass.


> Also outstanding is the building fire certificate as the ex owners of 401 removed critical building fire infrastructure when they renovated (Shane Elis) We are going to need to approach the owners of 401 to ask them to remediate the damage.


> Project Remediate - We dont know where this is up to. But I have ask James to chase it up.


> 601 Radiation - Mediation.  James has informed me that we are going to head of to mediation with Craig.  Perhaps this can be avoided now that STM seem to be back in the game.


> Note that I speak to Darren almost every week and we are getting on top of everything slowly so as to remain on some sort of budget.  Water leaks are still our top priority with the fire cert a close second.


> Matt



> --

> Matt Perkins

> 0403571333



Matt Perkins



Matt Perkins



Matt Perkins


Matt Perkins
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