[200William-EC SP67851] SP67851 Update from informal meeting SC:0544000000246

Matthew Perkins - Private matt at perkins.id.au
Mon Jul 25 14:20:26 AEST 2022

Hi James,

  Yes we agreed to go ahead with all of the bellow.

Kind regards


On 25/7/2022 2:15 pm, James Cheng wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Apologies for the delay reply, I was having 3 days urgent carer leaves 
> last Wednesday to Friday.
> Could you please confirm if the committee has approved the quotation 
> #132 and 133 from Master Waterproofing for render repair of unit 103?
> As mentioned, Master Waterproofing is going to send the invoices 
> individually to avoid the HBCF. If yes, I will have a quick online 
> committee meeting to formal approve the quotations.
> #132 - $15000 + GST
> #133 - $600 + GST
> Further to 2nd quote of the waterproofing, it may be a bit confusing. 
> It also took some time for me to understand the situation.
> Master Waterproofing is not the company performing the waterproofing 
> work. Edyco is the company to re-waterproof. Master Waterproofing is 
> only quoted on the render repair of unit 103 and Level 7 roof top. 
> Edyco will continue the waterproofing work after Master Waterproofing 
> completed the render repair.
> Please provide a clear instruction on this.
> I am happy to have a quick call with the committee to explain if needed.
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> *James Cheng*
> Senior Community Manager
> *t.*  (02) 9266 2600
> *e.* jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au <mailto:afripp at stratatitle.com.au>
> *a.* Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
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> ------------------- Original Message -------------------
> *From:* PERKINS M <matt at perkins.id.au>;
> *Received:* Tue Jul 19 2022 10:22:50 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern 
> Standard Time)
> *To:* James Cheng <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>; James Cheng 
> <jamescheng at stratatitle.com.au>;
> *Cc:* DARREN VIGNES <ec at 200william.com>; DARREN VIGNES 
> <ec at 200william.com>; DARREN VIGNES <ec at 200william.com>;
> *Subject:* SP67851 Update from informal meeting
> [You don't often get email from matt at perkins.id.au. Learn why this is 
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> WARNING. This email was received from an external sender. You should 
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> Hi James,
>   Here's an update from our quick zoom. Consensus is that the committee
> would like a quote for the waterproofing that includes home owners
> insurance. Would you please provide a quote so we can compare the 3
> payment option and the one payment including home owners insurance.
> Regarding 301 that can go ahead as planned.
> Kind regards
> Matt
> --
> Matt Perkins
> 0403571333

Matt Perkins
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