[200William-EC SP67851] FW: Capital Works Fund Plan & Safety Reports for Marquis Apartments - SP 67851

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Fri Jan 29 17:27:56 AEDT 2021

Hi Leanne,

  Please dont cc everyone including the list it will duplicate all the 
email.  Thanks for the reports. I took a quick look at the safety report 
which really is in two categories.

BMC (majority) and some Gym issues (resi).  Given the Gym is currently 
closed due to COVID19 and likely not to re-open for 2021 I dont think we 
need to worry much about that for now.  Let's give it a refresh when it 

You can present the other issues to the BMC however as a lot cover AVIS. 
I think I know the response. But let's do it anyway to cover it off.  I 
will ask that the EC members please have a read of the safety report and 
indicate to the group  which issues you would like me to go to bat for 
with Andrew and the BMC. Specifically the ones involving our car park 
and common areas.

I will follow up on the capital works fund once I have had time to take 
it all in.

Kind Regards


On 29/1/21 5:07 pm, Leanne Eardley wrote:
> Good Afternoon Committee and Darren
> Please find attached for your review the updated Capital Works Fund 
> Forecast and the Safety Report completed by Solutions in Engineering.
> With regards to the CWF, if there are any proposed changes that you 
> would like make to the forecast, we have 6 months where Solutions in 
> Engineering will amend the forecast without incurring any further fees.
> With regards to the Safety Report, they have identified 15 items that 
> they have listed as moderate hazards that they would recommend are 
> rectified.
> Please review and provide directions to our office / Darren to obtain 
> quotes and/or rectify the items accordingly.
> Darren – with regards to the lift work cover document, I will locate 
> this and send it through to you (item 12)
> Kind Regards,
> *Leanne Eardley*
> Senior Community Manager
> A close up of a logo Description automatically generated
> *t.*(02) 9266 2600
> *d.* (02) 9266 2648
> *e.* leardley at stratatitle.com.au <mailto:leardley at stratatitle.com.au>
> *a.* Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
> <https://smartercommunities.com.au/covid-19/>
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> Please view Smarter Communities’ full email communication disclaimer 
> smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer 
> <https://smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer/>
> *From:*Report <reports at solutionsinengineering.com.au 
> <mailto:reports at solutionsinengineering.com.au>>
> *Sent:* Friday, 29 January 2021 4:45 PM
> *To:* Raeleen Marsh <rmarsh at stratatitle.com.au 
> <mailto:rmarsh at stratatitle.com.au>>
> *Cc:* Marquis at bfms.com.au <mailto:Marquis at bfms.com.au>
> *Subject:* Capital Works Fund Plan & Safety Reports for Marquis 
> Apartments - SP 67851
> *WARNING. This email was received from an external sender. You should 
> verify the email address before processing the email.*
> Good afternoon Joshua,
> Please find attached the Capital Works Fund Plan and Safety Reports 
> for Marquis Apartments, 200 William Street, Woolloomooloo property.
> The tax invoice will be sent to your office accordingly.
> If you have any queries or amendments relating to this report, please 
> do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service branch.
> Kind Regards,
> *Minnie Maraya
> *_____________________
> P:  1300 136 036
> F:  1300 136 037
> E: minniem at solutionsinengineering.com 
> <mailto:minniem at solutionsinengineering.com>__
> W:www.solutionsinengineering.com 
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/* Matt Perkins
         Direct 02 8916 8101     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
         Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
         ABN 66 090 112 913      Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000

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