[200William-EC SP67851] Painting of the building - 200 William Street - level 7 west tiles

Craig Laforest cscl at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 20 16:49:26 AEDT 2021

Good afternoon everyone,


It would be great for all owners if we could set a schedule for the
repainting of the building and the replacement of all tiles on level 7 west.
There are so many areas which have exposed, rusted metal and in some cases
the outside building material is falling off.


I'm happy to have a conference call or meet in person to set this into
motion.  The owners are entitled to plan for future payments if they have a
budgeted amount which may be above the amount we will be using from our
sinking fund.


Please advise how you would like to have this meeting.






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