[200William-EC SP67851] SP 75411 (no subject)

Deborah O'Brien dobrien at stratatitle.com.au
Fri Sep 11 11:31:09 AEST 2020

Good Morning Adam,

Please see below details if you are looking to install timber floor boards which is sent to all owners. With the underlay I have noticed that the regupol was used and details provided on the application.

I have also included an application form should you wish to use in the future.

The Centennial Apartments were designed and built with carpet as the original flooring in living areas and bedrooms.
The developer and builder of the complex went into liquidation and left the owners with very little details about the sub floor slab thickness, ceiling cavity height and ceiling insulation details.
 As such we impose terms and conditions to ensure adjoining occupants "peaceful enjoyment" so that they are not impacted by increased noise as a result of new flooring.
To assist in mitigation of excess noise from new flooring, we would suggest you consider using a high star rated underlay (5 or 6 star).
This is only a suggestion and not to be taken as a guarantee that excess noise will not occur.
The terms and conditions we ask owners to agree were put in place due to previous complaints with non compliant flooring. We have had owners pull up non-compliant flooring and re lay carpet in their apartments.
As such, if you would like to proceed with the new flooring application, can you please respond with acceptance to the following terms and conditions and provide details of install date;
Approval Process for Flooring

1-            Approved certified system with warranties to be provided and signed off by EC

2-            Owners responsibility to provide photographic evidence during every installation step

3-            Owner to provide the Installation Certificate of the completed job by the Subcontractor / Manufacturers etc. for a the entire floor finish make-up (similar to what Regupol <<http://www.regupol.com.au/products/noise-and-vibration/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.regupol.com.au/products/noise-and-vibration/__;!!O57odvE!veURIrxtsWPJ16urj8UMl666Dox8ncdEBVLl3HnkF-0UVlZldGQjKGIOBCG5R6yg9kQ$>>> provide).

4-            If issues arise from complaints, these should be dealt with in reverse manner and should be covered under the warranty of the installer and manufacturer

On approval;

1.  Owners are to advise date of install

2.  The work has to be conducted during business hours

3.  The Removal and disposal of old carpet and side cuts professionally to an off site tip on completion.

4.  Common areas such as lifts and corridors to be left neat and clean

5.  Owner to be liable for any damage to common property
The onus is on the owner to ensure that the new flooring will not cause an increase in noise transfer (compared to carpet) and is installed correctly.
Should there be complaints the owner agree to pay for acoustic tap testing within 14 days from a flooring noise complaint being received by strata. The acoustic report is sent directly from the acoustic contractor to the strata manager and owner.
If the acoustic report shows non-compliant floors to BCA then the owner agrees to have the flooring ripped up and re-laid with carpet within 4 weeks.

Kind regards,
Deborah O’Brien
Assistant Community Manager
[cid:image001.png at 01D65E91.6961E320]

t.  (02) 9266 2600
e. dobrien at stratatitle.com.au<mailto:dobrien at stratatitle.com.au>
a.  Level 4/1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D65E91.6961E320]<https://blog.smartercommunities.com.au/>

DISCLAIMER: Strata Title Management takes no responsibility for content included in this email when relating to a client matter. Please view Smarter Communities’ full email communication disclaimer smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer<https://smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer/>

From: ec-bounces at 200william.com <ec-bounces at 200william.com> On Behalf Of Creighton, Adam
Sent: Friday, 11 September 2020 10:52 AM
To: ec at 200william.com
Subject: [200William-EC SP67851] (no subject)

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hi everyone,
i don't suppose you'd have a copy of our regulations for putting down timber floors?
I assume we need regulpol underlay?

Adam Creighton
Economics Editor
2 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010
T +61 2 9288 3995 M +61 457 806 706
E creightona at theaustralian.com.au<mailto:creightona at theaustralian.com.au> W theaustralian.com.au<http://theaustralian.com.au>
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