[200William-EC SP67851] SP 67851 - items for discussion

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Thu Dec 10 19:11:29 AEDT 2020

Of the 3 Queries bellow both 1 and 2 would require a special levy there’s no a lot of money to paint the building. Given two outstanding issues 
1 cladding on the front of the building will likely need to be removed as it may be banned material.  We could possibly look at painting at the same time as we will need to scaffold 

2 we spoke about installing decking rather then tiles on the roof as it will be cheaper and allows maintenance. 

3 big expensive for 304 comming up as their bathroom internal walls need replacing due leak 


/* Matt Perkins
       Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
       Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
       Fax    1300 133 255     Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
      SIP 1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au
       Google Talk MattAPerkins at gmail.com
       PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found at  http://pgp.mit.edu

> On 10 Dec 2020, at 7:04 pm, Matt Perkins <matt at spectrum.com.au> wrote:
> The owner of 601 I assume 
> Matt
> -- 
> /* Matt Perkins
>        Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
>        Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
>        Fax    1300 133 255     Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
>       SIP 1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au
>        Google Talk MattAPerkins at gmail.com
>        PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found at  http://pgp.mit.edu
> */
>>> On 10 Dec 2020, at 7:02 pm, Leanne Eardley <leardley at stratatitle.com.au> wrote:
>> Good Afternoon Committee,
>> I have had an Owner reach out to me after receiving the AGM agenda advising that they wanted to place the following items for discussion on the agenda. I have advised them that they are unable to place the items on the agenda as they were required to be provided prior to the agenda being issued.
>> As such, I have advised them that we would submit the items to the Committee for discussion. The items are as follows:
>> I would like to discuss the tiles on the western side of our building – level 7 – which are presently rising under the temporary sheeting that has been taped down.  There are also tiles next to the sheeting which are rising.
>> The continual maintenance of the outside of the building – there is work to be done on painting etc.
>> The AVIS sign – AVIS are leaving the building and I would like to ensure that the signage comes down from the buildings top floor, outside.
>> Please review and advise comments with regards to item 1 & 2 in particular as item 3 is more an item for the BMC or Commercial strata to ensure its removal.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Leanne Eardley
>> Senior Community Manager
>> <image009.png>
>> t.  (02) 9266 2600 
>> d. (02) 9266 2648
>> e. leardley at stratatitle.com.au 
>> a. Suite 2, Level 4, 1 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
>> Season’s Greetings, our office will close from 23 December 2020 and reopen 11 January 2021.
>> <image010.png>
>> <image011.png>
>> <image012.png>
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