[200William-EC SP67851] heavy duty park picnic benches
Creighton, Adam
creightona at theaustralian.com.au
Sun Nov 24 17:02:05 AEDT 2019
looks great to me.
I support.
btw I encourage you all to have a look at the buckled tiles on the city
side of the roof. they look terrible. we'll have to discuss eventually.
sent from samsung device; apologies for brevity or typos or both
On Sun, 24 Nov. 2019, 11:07 Cathy Rechichi, <cathytheproducer at gmail.com>
> Hi there ,
> Do we have any budget to buy x 2 of these or similar for the roof ??
> Let me know
> https://www.google.com.au/shopping/product/1?q=heavy+duty+park+picnic+benches&client=safari&hl=en-au&biw=206&bih=402&tbs=vw:g,ss:44&prmd=simvn&sxsrf=ACYBGNTl6n8YdXzqt0tckhYEl_iqaM3nXg:1574553801710&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:9776968689177735103,paur:ClkAsKraX5TYIMkkhfhUAFs1pzCop3VdkwSII9hu4zrmyBEktJ-Vle-DLMoW0FmwmtaDnOCR39IOW5QAt7osAV2IUc_sGYbiqpU2WbmZWjW4NPpmJ3k44udPuxIZAFPVH71U9lnvJHLrUkRq6N9__40zW9EGqA,prmr:1,pid:9776968689177735103,cs:1
> <https://www.google.com.au/shopping/product/1?q=heavy+duty+park+picnic+benches&client=safari&hl=en-au&biw=206&bih=402&tbs=vw:g,ss:44&prmd=simvn&sxsrf=ACYBGNTl6n8YdXzqt0tckhYEl_iqaM3nXg:1574553801710&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:9776968689177735103,paur:ClkAsKraX5TYIMkkhfhUAFs1pzCop3VdkwSII9hu4zrmyBEktJ-Vle-DLMoW0FmwmtaDnOCR39IOW5QAt7osAV2IUc_sGYbiqpU2WbmZWjW4NPpmJ3k44udPuxIZAFPVH71U9lnvJHLrUkRq6N9__40zW9EGqA,prmr:1,pid:9776968689177735103,cs:1>
> Sent from my iPhone.
> Please excuse typos
> Cathy Rechichi
> 0411464628
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