[200William-EC SP67851] APARTMENT 602 - CAT FAECES

Craig Laforest cscl at optusnet.com.au
Wed May 29 17:21:02 AEST 2019

Ms. Rechichi and Mr West,


Further to your email below……..


I have checked again.  There are no cats on level 5.  Mr Beves (on level 4) allegedly found a cat burglar in his bedroom several years ago, however, I’m sure it wouldn’t have returned.


The faeces belong to your cat.  Once again, please keep it on your property.


Craig Laforest


From: Cathy Rechichi <cathytheproducer at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, 29 May 2019 2:35 PM
To: Craig Laforest <cscl at optusnet.com.au>
Cc: cathy at infinity2.com.au; ennvvest at gmail.com; ec at 200william.com
Subject: Re: [200William-EC SP67851] APARTMENT 602 - CAT FAECES


Dear All


Please be advised , that Ken , The Cat and I are away and FYI we left the day after the last incident ..

I guess there must be another cat!!!

Please remove the bag from the door as it’s obviously not ours . 

Cathy and Ken 



Sent from my iPhone. 

Please excuse typos


Cathy Rechichi



On 29 May 2019, at 10:45 am, Craig Laforest <cscl at optusnet.com.au <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au> > wrote:

Ms. Rechichi and Mr. West,


Last week I spoke with the police and on their advice sent the May 17 email (below)  to the Body Corporate.


Your cat continues to defecate on my property.  I found the following faeces in one of my garden beds next to my kitchen, this morning.


I was advised to put the faeces in a plastic bag and put the bag on the handle of your front door (attached pix).


Again, I’m not a janitor for your cat’s faeces.  Please keep your cat on your property.


Craig Laforest






> On 17 May 2019, at 5:13 pm, Craig Laforest <craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com <mailto:craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com> > wrote:


> TO: Body Corporate, MARQUIS Apartments


> FROM: Craig Laforest, Apartment 601, MARQUIS Apartments


> Police advised me today to contact the Body Corporate regarding my neighbours in apartment 602 whose cat continues to defecate on my property.


> I have had this situation arise many times before with this cat and have asked and emailed said neighbours to simply house train their cat and/or place a suitable partition between our properties so that the cat cannot enter my property. This is not an unreasonable request.  I'm not a janitor for their cat's faeces.


> One gets fed up of this intrusion and having to clean up after the cat and finally today depositing the faeces back onto the neighbours property who then react by hurling stones and soil onto my property (some of which hit my body).


> Mr West and Ms Ricichi, once again, I must insist that you keep your cat on your property.


> This example should apply to all property owners and tenants who have pets to ensure the same situation doesn't occur with their contiguous neighbours.


> Sincerely,

> Craig Laforest

> Apartment 601 





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<602 CAT FAECES (2).jpg>

<602 CAT FAECES.jpg>

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