[200William-EC SP67851] SP 67851 - IMPORTANT Details of Change of Community Manager - Sarkis Mouawad

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Mon Aug 26 21:24:54 AEST 2019

Hi Patrick,

Sarkis is now added.


On 26/8/19 9:01 pm, Patrick Rush wrote:
> Dear Committee,
> It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of your new 
> Community Manager, Sarkis Mouawad, effective immediately. Sarkis will 
> be replacing me as your Community Manager as I have had to take on a 
> larger role and manage a much larger office for STM. I cannot 
> therefore manage a portfolio of properties as well as managing the 
> office and its staff.
> I have enjoyed my time immensely managing your property and will be on 
> hand to provide Sarkis with any background information and knowledge 
> of the property.
> I have provided Sarkis a detailed handover and will work closely with 
> Sarkis in the next few months for a seamless handover, particularly of 
> ongoing projects.
> I will also ensure I attend the next meeting with Sarkis and if at any 
> time you need to please don’t hesitate to contact me.
> Sarkis has been a Licenced Strata Manager, going on 7 years now. With 
> a background in Law, Sarkis is able to grasp a wide knowledge of the 
> Legislation, along with his years of practice this has permitted him 
> to provide a better understanding and even better practice of 
> providing guidance to his owners corporations in situations they would 
> not normally find themselves in.
> Sarkis has also had experience, in the building industry, which allows 
> him to identify items to assist and discuss any rectification works 
> that the Owners Corporation is currently undergoing or wish to procced 
> with.
> Sarah Copley is Sarkis’ Assistant Community Manager which will also 
> assist with the changeover and will also assist Sarkis in providing 
> any background of any ongoing issues.
> I know you will welcome Sarkis and can assure you that working with 
> Sarkis will be a pleasure. Sarkis will be in contact over the week to 
> introduce herself and to organsie a time to meet with you.
> */Matt, can you please add Sarkis and Sarah to the William Street SC 
> mailing list email account? Please leave me on the mailing list until 
> after the AGM./**//*
> Kind regards,
> *Patrick Rush*
> Regional Manager
> cid:image001.png at 01D47C2A.F4DBE770
> *
> t.*(02) 9266 2600
> *d.* (02) 9266 2695
> *e.* prush at stratatitle.com.au <mailto:prush at stratatitle.com.au>
> *a.* Shop 6/78-80 Alexander Street, CROWS NEST, NSW  2065
> cid:image004.png at 01D55775.894CA770 
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> cid:image002.png at 01D47C2A.F4DBE770 
> <https://blog.smartercommunities.com.au/>
> DISCLAIMER: Strata Title Management takes no responsibility for 
> content included in this email when relating to a client 
> matter. Please view Smarter Communities’full email communication 
> disclaimer smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer 
> <https://smartercommunities.com.au/disclaimer/>
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