[200William-EC SP67851] SP 67851 - URGENT EGM on Tuesday 31.01.2017 for Podium Terrace Waterproofing & Tiling

Robin Patrick robin.j.patrick at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 10:19:19 AEDT 2017

Hi Patrick

I am comfortable however, disappointed that he is charging such a
significant amount to walk through the issue and his recommendation.



On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Patrick Rush <prush at stratatitle.com.au>

> Dear Committee,
> I have only had responses from Craig & Barney and will need a response
> form all other Committee Members by 12:00pm Monday 30th January 2017 to
> have time to confirm with Paul McKay that he can attend if approved.
> Barney, the reason for having the Engineer attend the meeting is basically
> to answer queries such as the attached from Owners that what technical
> questions answered that attend the meeting.
> I am unable to answer such questions as I do not have the qualifications.
> Can all Committee Members respond and confirm if they would like Paul
> McKay to attend the EGM on Tuesday 31st January 2017?
> Kind regards,
> *Patrick Rush*
> Strata Manager
> Phone: (02) 9266 2600 | Email: prush at stratatitle.com.au
> <northshore at stratatitle.com.au> | Address: PO Box 2727, Taren Point, NSW
> 2229
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> *Emailed Communication / Documents Disclaimer*
> STM Limited takes no responsibility for content included in this email
> when relating to a client matter.
> Please view Vesture’s full email communication disclaimer on our website –
> www.stratatitle.com.au/disclaimer/
> *Important Notice:  *Owners should be aware that all correspondence,
> including letters, facsimile transmissions and emails are retained on the
> file of your scheme and may be subject to inspection by owners and
> residents within your scheme, as well as prospective purchasers for any lot
> that may be for sale within your scheme. As such author discretion is
> advised.
> *From:* Craig Laforest [mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au]
> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 January 2017 8:27 AM
> *To:* 'Ed Sainsbury'; Patrick Rush
> *Cc:* ec at 200william.com; 'Marquis BFMS'
> *Subject:* RE: [200William-EC SP67851] SP 67851 - URGENT EGM on Tuesday
> 31.01.2017 for Podium Terrace Waterproofing & Tiling
> Edward,
> This issue just keeps racking up expenses because nothing has been done to
> alleviate the situation (note the water penetration problems from level 7
> onto 601 and 602 and how long that issue has gone on).
> When the matter of P4 water overflow came up I even walked you through the
> problem and you were going to act to get the matter looked into – you
> didn’t.
> We now have no alternative than to have an engineer look into the problem
> on P4 – it is being exacerbated daily by not having a professional handle
> the matter.
> Craig Laforest
> *From:* ec-bounces at 200william.com [mailto:ec-bounces at 200william.com
> <ec-bounces at 200william.com>] *On Behalf Of *Ed Sainsbury
> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 January 2017 8:04 AM
> *To:* Patrick Rush
> *Cc:* ec at 200william.com; Marquis BFMS
> *Subject:* Re: [200William-EC SP67851] SP 67851 - URGENT EGM on Tuesday
> 31.01.2017 for Podium Terrace Waterproofing & Tiling
> This issue just keeps racking up expenses. If his company is recommending
> the solution then I would say he is conflicted. So not sure it is of
> benefit.
> Regards,
> Edward
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 25 Jan 2017, at 6:00 pm, Patrick Rush <prush at stratatitle.com.au> wrote:
> Dear Committee,
> I think it would be best if Paul McKay, the Engineer for Strat Engineering
> Solutions attended the meeting so that any technical questions can be
> answered on the evening from owners that attend.
> The costs for Paul to attend are $600.00 + GST.
> Can you please advise if you are happy for the above coast and for Paul to
> attend the meeting?
> Kind regards,
> *Patrick Rush*
> Strata Manager
> Phone: (02) 9266 2600 | Email: prush at stratatitle.com.au
> <northshore at stratatitle.com.au> | Address: PO Box 2727, Taren Point, NSW
> 2229
> *Emailed Communication / Documents Disclaimer*
> STM Limited takes no responsibility for content included in this email
> when relating to a client matter.
> Please view Vesture’s full email communication disclaimer on our website –
> www.stratatitle.com.au/disclaimer/
> *Important Notice:  *Owners should be aware that all correspondence,
> including letters, facsimile transmissions and emails are retained on the
> file of your scheme and may be subject to inspection by owners and
> residents within your scheme, as well as prospective purchasers for any lot
> that may be for sale within your scheme. As such author discretion is
> advised.
> _______________________________________________
> EC mailing list
> EC at 200william.com
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