[200William-EC SP67851] Engineer's recommendations for repairs to level 7

Craig Laforest cscl at optusnet.com.au
Thu Aug 17 09:57:01 AEST 2017

Hello Patrick,

I would like to know, as I'm sure other members of the EC would, why Paul
McKay, engineer for Costin Roe, put forward to us 3 proposals not one of
which included taking out all the plants/soil in the planter boxes on level
7..i.e. to check the total length of the membrane for any cracking. Have you
asked him this?

He visited my home twice and saw stalactites hanging the full length of the
concrete lip above my terrace which highly suggested that the membrane was
cracked the full length of the planter boxes above (and above apartment
602).  How did he expect us to accept a quote which only included taking out
one third of the soil and plants on each side of level 7?

I look forward to receiving your response.

Craig Laforest

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