[200William-EC SP67851] Building Access Control System

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Mon Nov 28 16:03:01 AEDT 2016

Hi All,

  As you all know the building Access Control system is broken and can 
not be repaired as parts and support are no longer available. At the 
moment new keys can not be issued or added.

Darren has prepared a quote (attached)  to refresh the system. He has 
also added the option to add the remote controls for the garage door as 
requested by some EC members.

There is currently no money within the budget for this system however it 
is essential that the system be repaired the intent is to add the cost 
to the Special levy when it is ultimately raised in the coming months. 
In the mean time I do not believe we should wait as the system could 
completely fail at any time and with the busy Christmas period coming 
up  we do not want to be left short.

Could I have a quick show of hands to approve / disapprove the 
expenditure now ahead of the Special Levy. (Patrick can you also confirm 
there is enough cash on hand to pay for it)

Could you also please indicate if you would like to proceed with the 
garage door remotes and also adding access control to the Gym area.

Kind Regards


/* Matt Perkins
         Direct 1300 137 379        Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
         Office 1300 133 299        matt at spectrum.com.au
                                    Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
         Spectrum Networks is a member of the Communications Alliance & TIO

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