[200William-EC SP67851] Your email August 10, 2016

Craig Laforest craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 17:33:09 AEST 2016

 Dear Patrick,

In response to your email of August 10, 2016 I do not agree to your
request.  The NCAT hearing on Wednesday September 7, 2016 will go ahead as

Craig Laforest

Dear Craig,

As you are now aware that the water testing has been agreed on and will be
carried out under the supervision of Strata engineering Solutions to
ascertain the source of the water ingress, can you please confirm if you
are in a position to drop the request for the Directions Hearing at NCAT on
Wednesday 7th September 2016 at 9:15am?

You have also confirmed that you agree with the Committee Meeting Agenda
which wis moving the matter forward so that once all the information is
ready, the Owners Corporation can call an EGM.

Once the testing has been completed, the Engineers will provide a
specification for tenders to be organised for the resolution as to which
tender to proceed with and special levy for payment of this rectification.

I think it is beneficial if we work through these issues as a functioning
Committee and Owners Corporation and I feel that the way forward at this
stage is looking towards a resolution for all parties.

Please advise on the above urgently?

Kind regards,

*Patrick Rush*

Craig Laforest
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