[200William-EC SP67851] 601/200 William

Pia Cunningham pcunningham at stratatitle.com.au
Wed Jul 29 19:29:44 AEST 2015

Hi all,

Firstly, a massive thank you to Matt who has been inundated with emails from Mr La Forest and has been responding to all.

I will be responding first thing in the morning to Mr La Forest.

Should you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a nice day,

Pia Cunningham

Senior Strata Manager

BMC Manager and
Company Title Manager

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On 29 Jul 2015, at 7:24 pm, Matt Perkins <matt at spectrum.com.au<mailto:matt at spectrum.com.au>> wrote:

Hi All, Just to bring you all up to date with matters regarding Mr Laforest.

George and I have been trying to get to the bottom of the "Power Surges" and "Feeling of Power" as mentioned in many complaint email's by Mr Laforest.
George has been trying to isolate the problem by a process of elimination by turning off plant room equipment one by one and getting feedback from Mr Laforest. After the first test turning off the Aircon cooling tower which Mr Laforest reported did not stop the so called "Power Surges" He demanded  that George give him some type of test equipment that can measure the Power surges.

After a meeting with George and Pia today it was decided that after the process of elimination was complete Pia would write to Mr Laforest suggesting that there is no evidence of any "Power Surges" and that he should seek his own experts tests and devices.

Now that Mr Laforest has withdrawn from the process we intend to short cut to where Pia informs Mr Laforest to get his own experts.

George has spent a lot of time on this matter on and off over 2 years.  George has never seen any evidence of any Power Surges and in my opinion there are no services within the building that produce enough electromagnetic energy that could effect a human being in a way that could be felt.  It is possible that some type of vibration or ventilation effect could cause the feeling. However by Mr La forests refusal to cooperate with the process  of elimination I do not believe we can reasonably identify the source.

If Mr LaForest can identify the problem to be a result of common property it's the responsibility SP  to remedy it.

Attached is all the correspondence so far for the record.


<Re_ Reports of Power Surges in 601_200 William.eml>
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