[200William-EC SP67851] Notice from Fair Trading to attend mediation.

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Sat Oct 18 20:25:30 EST 2014

Hi All,
  I have received a notice from Fair Trading stuffed into my mail box. 
(which I dont check or publish so it must have come from Mr Laforest) I 
have a po box.

It is a notice to appear before mediation regarding the matter of the 
screen on 601's balcony.

File No SM14/1407RG SP 67851

Pia. Is this something you do on our behalf or do I have to attend this. 
It's addressed to the Secretary.  I have a full day of meetings that day 
and can not attend. I think Brook was interested in representing us and 
I have no problem with that.

The mediation is scheduled  for 10AM on Wednesday 22nd of October 2014 
at Level 13 175 Castlereagh Street Sydney.


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