[200William-EC SP67851] EGM - Re new bylaws.

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Tue Nov 25 13:39:54 EST 2014

Hi All,
  Pia is sending out the Forms for the EGM today. Note that the front of 
the document does not require us to attend.  Providing we all send in 
our paperwork it should pass.

I have also instructed Pia to add the bylaw regarding an apartment's 
request for calcium to be cleaned off his balcony. As per Georges 
recommendation the bylaw re-affirms that the Strata is not responsible 
for cleaning the calcium off any apartment's balcony or Masonry

Pia tells me that the statutory time for notice and a response to this 
meeting is two weeks. (taking into account weekends and mail delays etc)

I  have attached the draft for our records. Good Work everyone. I think 
we will get a good result here.

Kind Regards and dont forget to send in your paperwork.

/* Matt Perkins
         Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
         Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
                                 Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
         PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found at  http://pgp.mit.edu

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