[200William-EC SP67851] Correspondence 601 - George

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Wed May 14 09:25:20 EST 2014

Hi All,
  George has asked that i table this thread for the record.  I have 
asked Maxine for a quote from our solicitor about some type of letter to 
601 asking him to cease from meddling in affairs and making untrue 
statements last week she has not replied as yet. (friendly reminder). He 
made an untrue statement about my wife during the week in email and will 
be receiving a letter  from my solicitor regarding that.

As Andrew has stated in another thread there is a chance that last year 
is being revisited with nightly tapping at 4AM. Thank god access to the 
plant room is now restricted.

George can you check the camera's regarding movements on level 6  at 
that time. I think this is spinning out of control again like last year. 
Which for Ed's benefit ended up with the owner of 601 being charged and 
pleading guilty in  a court appearance.

Let's all keep cool heads for now and handle this the way we did last 
time. Gather evidence and present it to the police.


Please find Georges thread bellow.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	FW: George Ziri contact
Date: 	Wed, 14 May 2014 08:51:54 +1000
From: 	George Ziri <Georgeziri at bfms.com.au>
To: 	Matt Perkins <matt at spectrum.com.au>

Morning Matt

Below is the response to 601 you might wish to share with the Committee.

*George Ziri*


*Building Facilities Management Solutions*

*m:*0400 300 242

*e:*georgeziri at bfms.com.au 
<mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au>*w:*www.bfms.com.au 


Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence

*From:*George Ziri
*Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 4:44 PM
*To:* 'CSCL'
*Subject:* RE: George Ziri contact


Your claim is unfounded. Contract work is undertaken in the most 
efficient and effective manner.

The misconstrued information between yourself, the contractor and I 
after the recent event left me no alternative but to strictly advise 
(again) the contractor not to discuss the matter or his findings with 
you until such time I receive his report. Please excuse his vague 

You are suggesting that the builder is not professional as there is a 
specialist company which you have referred, though you have no 
experience, knowledge or history about this specialist company. These 
days everyone is a specialist.

The builder who carried out the tests above your apartment is assigned 
to the Balmain Shores development investigating and repairing nothing 
but water penetrations. He has been here since 2005 and has performed 
exceptionally well. This is one of the reason I have asked him to 
investigate the issue above your apartment.

Any untrue comments you make in future will not be responded too.

Please be patient as this matter will be resolved.

*George Ziri*


*Building Facilities Management Solutions*

*m:*0400 300 242

*e:*georgeziri at bfms.com.au 
<mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au>*w:*www.bfms.com.au 


Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence

*From:*CSCL [mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au]
*Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 4:12 PM
*To:* 'Rob Willett'
*Cc:* George Ziri; 'Andrew James'; 'Barney Kitay'; 
brookbeves at bigpond.com <mailto:brookbeves at bigpond.com>; 'Matt Perkins'; 
edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>; 
tonyjiajia at hotmail.com <mailto:tonyjiajia at hotmail.com>; 'Diana 
Dennison'; 'Linda Burgess'; 'Maxine Wickey'
*Subject:* RE: George Ziri contact


The water penetration matter should concern everyone on the EC, 
particularly as we’ve had so many problems with water damage (from 
terraces, down internal walls, water tanks) over the years.

I understand you don’t live in the building and may have a different 
view, but if I believe contract work is not being carried out in our 
building as cost effectively as it should be, I will mention it to the 
people who are our representatives for the building……you (as Chairman) 
and other members of the EC.

Today, for example, the contractor came through…….flooded various areas 
above my apartment…….instead of one area at a time.   At one point, 
water started dripping through into my apartment at an incredible rate.  
When I asked the contractor where he thought the water was coming from, 
he advised me that he was unsure and would have to do the water test 
again!  This is not cost effective and now he has to come back to do one 
area at a time!  I suggested a specialist company for the water test, to 
no avail.

Apologies to the EC for the large (or “extraordinary” amount) of emails. 
I will keep them at a minimum wherever possible. However, I am very 
apprehensive about how some of the work is being carried out around 
Marquis and the cost associated with it.

Thank you and regards.

Craig Laforest

P.S. EC members can simply block my email address in the future also if 
they wish or simply delete any email from me, prior to opening.

*From:*Rob Willett [mailto:rob at robadda.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 1:40 PM
*To:* CSCL
*Cc:* George Ziri; Andrew James; Barney Kitay; <brookbeves at bigpond.com 
<mailto:brookbeves at bigpond.com>>; Matt Perkins; 
<edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>>; 
<tonyjiajia at hotmail.com <mailto:tonyjiajia at hotmail.com>>; Diana 
Dennison; Linda Burgess; Maxine Wickey
*Subject:* Re: George Ziri contact

Can you please stop copying me on your emails to the Building Manager 
and the EC that do not concern us. Effective from now, I will be 
blocking your address for any emails to my Robadda address.

Any issues you may have, and there seems to be an extraordinary amount, 
are to be directed through George or STM

Thank you

On 13 May 2014, at 4:44, "CSCL" <cscl at optusnet.com.au 
<mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>> wrote:


    If there is any emergency I will continue to phone your emergency
    number and not “putting my concern in writing,” as per your advice

    The elevator situation several months ago was “not in hand.” I am
    more than happy to have my guest, Linda Burgess, who was visiting at
    the time respond to this matter and you may wish to contact Matt’s
    wife also.  She seemed furious at the time and even mentioned that
    her husband is a member of the EC and this would be fixed immediately!

    Sincere apologies to the members of the EC for the amount of emails
    on this topic, but I will continue to have to send you emails
    separately (as I have no other way to keep you informed).

    Regards, Craig L

    *From:*George Ziri [mailto:Georgeziri at bfms.com.au]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 8:23 AM
    *To:* CSCL
    *Subject:* RE: George Ziri contact

    I am more than happy to receive your calls though unless there is an
    emergency I will be asking you to put your concern in writing.

    I reiterate that the elevator issue was in hand. I was aware of the
    situation. I had no need to phone you back as I was inundated with

    *George Ziri*


    *Building Facilities Management Solutions*

    *m:*0400 300 242

    *e:*georgeziri at bfms.com.au
    <mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au>*w:*www.bfms.com.au


    Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence

    *From:*CSCL [mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 8:12 AM
    *To:* George Ziri; 'Maxine Wickey'
    *Cc:* ec at 200william.com <mailto:ec at 200william.com>;
    tonyjiajia at hotmail.com <mailto:tonyjiajia at hotmail.com>;
    edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>
    *Subject:* George Ziri contact


    Your emergency number does not always have someone who picks up and
    messages left to that number are not always returned.

    Several months ago both elevators broke down for an inordinate
    amount of time and no one from your office was available (even from
    the emergency number) when several of us phoned.  Because I work at
    home I ended up assisting many people into their respective floors
    because none of them had their fire exit door keys with them.  I had
    an emergency key, at the time, for the fire exit doors.  I also had
    a guest visiting on this particular day and at one point, after
    assisting some people to their respective floors, we entered level G
    and saw Matt’s wife with their baby. She was less than happy with
    the situation. I offered her assistance but thankfully she had a key
    to her floor.

    George, as you are our building manager and I pay part of your
    management fee each quarter, I will continue to contact you on your
    mobile phone or through your ‘emergency’ number when I consider it

    Craig Laforest

    *From:*George Ziri [mailto:Georgeziri at bfms.com.au]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 7:53 AM
    *To:* CSCL; Maxine Wickey
    *Subject:* RE: Tax Invoice - Craig Laforest


    My mobile phone message provides an emergency telephone number. You
    are aware of this number as you called it and spoke with William the
    Sunday after water penetration incident.

    Unless in the event of an emergency ,all future communication
    between yourself and BFMS shall be in writing.

    Below are the doors which barrels have been replaced.

    _Doors _Keys

    Plant room                         2

    Gym 1

    Level 7 terrace                  2

    Level 7 fire door               1

    Level 6 fire door               1

    Level 5 fire door “            1

    Level 4 fire door               1

    Level 3 fire door               1

    Level 2 fire door               1

    Level 1 fire door               1

    Level G entry                     1

    Level G glass                      1

    Pump room                        1

    Car park and exits            6

    Cleaners room                  1

    Garbage room                   1

    Maxine, please see that the invoice for  the damage caused to 602 by
    601 is settled.

    *George Ziri*


    *Building Facilities Management Solutions*

    *m:*0400 300 242

    *e:*georgeziri at bfms.com.au
    <mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au>*w:*www.bfms.com.au


    Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence

    *From:*CSCL [mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 May 2014 7:28 AM
    *To:* Maxine Wickey
    *Cc:* George Ziri
    *Subject:* Tax Invoice - Craig Laforest

    Hello Maxine,

    I am in receipt of the invoice for the rekeying of fire doors.  The
    invoice from Bells states that 23 doors were rekeyed.  Within the
    residential area would you please clarify which are the 23 doors as
    we are only a 7 storey high building.  Also, kindly advise who
    should be contacted if there is no response from George Ziri’s
    emergency number.

    Thank you and regards,

    Craig Laforest

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