[200William-EC SP67851] Water Dripping in balcony of 601

Andrew James Andrew.James at lh.org.au
Fri Jun 27 11:33:57 EST 2014

Absolutely. We need at least to investigate and take it from there.



Andrew James
Project Director of Pharmacy
[Chris O`Brien Lifehouse]<http://www.mylifehouse.org.au>
119-143 Missenden Road
Camperdown NSW 2050
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Phone: +61 2 85140945
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Email: Andrew.James at lh.org.au<mailto:Andrew.James at lh.org.au>
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-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces at 200william.com [mailto:ec-bounces at 200william.com] On Behalf Of Matt Perkins
Sent: Friday, 27 June 2014 11:24 AM
To: ec at 200william.com
Subject: [200William-EC SP67851] Water Dripping in balcony of 601

Hi All,
  Craig from 601 has asked that I make the EC aware of some problems he is having with the Level 7 Planter boxes. We have discussed this previously on the EC list and at that time decided it was not a priority given the current financial state. However the Owner of 601 has asked that we revisit.

Craig has said that the planter boxes are in fact leaking and the dirty water is dripping down onto his balcony staining the tiles and his furniture. It would be good If we could perhaps get George to assess this dripping and see if we have any options for fixing it.

  I know in the past we have had that membrane repaired  and perhaps it has deteriorated again or perhaps some warranty or insurance would be involved.

With eveyone's permission I would like George to investigate the problem and perhaps see if there are any solutions and at least get some quotes to see if it's affordable in this budget. I think this would be the diligent course of action.


/* Matt Perkins
         Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
         Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
                                 Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
         SIP 1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au
         PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found at  http://pgp.mit.edu */

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