[200William-EC SP67851] Water penetration from deck 7

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Mon Jun 16 20:32:37 EST 2014

Perhaps we should lock off level 7 west. Until restoration is complete 
for safety  reasons.


On 16/06/2014 6:04 pm, George Ziri wrote:
> Lets see how long this lasts for?
> *George Ziri*
> *Building Facilities Management Solutions*
> *m:*0400 300 242
> *e:*georgeziri at bfms.com.au 
> <mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au>*w:*www.bfms.com.au 
> <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=paAuoSyhP986EecDgeXXTAPtCf8r8OAnKY0JBkSJh-2FCQG-2FHRXXzW3uTJ5xlck4raSNn-2B6yczCqvE9dzu0S2pJ9JvUVoehU24fTL-2FNu5fx-2FH0-2FxR71Cm0jpl-2FKvYH-2F0k4LfHrezjwhDPExfcSmWNC6JlAYdS1zG6CjJDSiUIyvxYl7XeMW3xQjvVX7llwBnuqnWabcXNrlpHITBHle9VlVrwNM22c0yog75oQwFYPjNvrG9RKMiuLv8VqbUDcdC9bzaTInVLU9m4QQ3-2BWfwquKyk-2ByDApPlj0lJjzQMTspps-2BKbdguB4w8CCg-2BEknmMn0Xs7qdKRBsoi6ri6FcyPgKvTZH9SLaaj46EYf7yhVUZYk7O87sVGWzEjubUC5umWj47Acjx6U1tQZlU7IT1xKV1xuIuTSDil3simoUOXtEof6Le07CawpkFZd31bWPC7sx5gVvrbjfI-2BbbPR9yE7xB7L-2FxhOPkd7YYwEfVo5i0T9vZAdmwuS4h0Xm6mQbaTHRi3phjgoj-2FIfdouilwBU2zJ5BDsLb-2BPXfJ25q-2Bz0WBozFxs8KY71RG5myKIgJBbTPuXGc6kLFgsg59uX9VN-2FaG36vwnCBkcl3DQUenaKgeiTr0B8h2efSWIgsc2-2FBoroF0rriJIXs4jNrWW5q4VmwdfDtiNhlk8X2kTSYPbLFiaHRFywGZPhI-2Fzh3h1ihTKLtoeWiny5xpz7kjgZQN1mYgdXtb2WXHwl1QJCuu-2FIITPIG9CD-2BRbxXtrxUHQMDxsvuBZKEmlOjCpTpdBraG3cfs3RsYyoKmu-2FLwycaV-2FIut-2BOyvq-2FMeCfeTlBvwoVqKqGKWKmarjd1fqi6Nm0E-2Fu2nu2ptMtkxI-2BwZ61ZVetCtfbVMZQpXc-2BanFKpl9xywnADfzhYozOnDTieRIvRu7XtoC2MhWKyDIdrXr4JrvzVzvfSu6Ic-2FDD56alsl5FgoMEz5XZxfZAJAyXr1Ynk4GIJ8xRF-2Ft0JED4YMGI8SmYsMNzm5wL8t0H5C3eqysn1tQiHsrJ2UCE4lWYhri-2FbJq6I-2BBZitulSi0GOptBm0mD3ZKX6HoR0uAxxCymzmr4P1gvoo0kESiVSh-2B1fPN12zcv8sYhKjOx15ZOTANiJoht1y9Cj4GUdEy4jCazQ67CMnCdvM-2B-2F7Dq55-2BsvTExhhtVLOqQ4SVi2Z8vbQ0SpHUg7l7EWqh7tRf4E4wJHBtDzSiMkVPRHmfXEbm9mpdbFNHDPzzhmEdgbkgRdLJTtffdcNhiC7U7XipY2EkrAq-2FklAvGQo6jarR0C4LTSEoOp-2FFGQ5dE-2FDnJKkvGUYPufRIMekOwm5RzkOzrBfz-2F-2Fx-2BCU-2Ft8ynR1670cUmCJ9DxKfc1VousIpAMEiMzgOJtSbwwrwWEpxUpre7MUs7LSTrGrwtrOw56TrV3N8sxBo59j5JxDA3cSKHRJYW-2FB-2BCvrlVbQ9LxTuiGb8MQEF9AwAxDWJVyr4DWD9OUATidGia-2BO-2Fu3Lk-2F0RgvpzmujxysG0CIQVCRL6sRovm6IiSDRqNkDAqRi9lQDJfivWLdHVOiX9YaJ-2F0TeZNgh9E4pc5PRIlwXv88H1rrimdKuCkElEa-2FH3c1N9F4I5VRQDXlK5tRkPDq6D934ru7Wf2ZsX-2Bwuvl-2FqSHtRNn-2FFitl0qFpuc49Py7rbgphypTrmZw7YIOrA2zT0A5Wk1ILsVGS4mV-2B-2F11TfRbD56ItRmOkpieDRDI-2Bsy2bHyFz-2BLfN1XyI2IAhjAJ6P6ZDBP9hyikFiTiyltaL4gKWR6ur5mtO3oPqONEkwQCyseXAo4bGsjGeyD0O5m9Q9pCKa-2FXmX-2Fq9V-2BsJGkmNGsRohnmIU12WbWDgrAbpKYaMrL48cCHlnQS4Osx4-2BuqltTcS3CDfIdV-2Fm6VIhz4Yjsn0lbQbEbD7IFwHrkfwCj3nYUU1j1-2Bj8i818pDSbw1E4-2Bssdyz23lCsynIIsS0cyiOxxngqbsi8mapJkAP8fC9CRbvyFs3zxwrejh4CQfe666GKiA-2BckPy378m5lK7iSwL-2FQOiTvGs-2FQMFViLIYKC-2FBJbVarq9KjwAnBXNm9J3AfYVZPoRhc6jcSoiC6mGY6sjv4fpRI2Kw7zQz0qUQRlv-2FCvVsq4RNF51ji8RrfiZMQpDjeeDIxRNCAmGtjYjgImALdEZADlU871Z1pFK6wrluocYqB6zAgxKiMGfnqDDrFkpq3MbGhCwL2XUeGu-2BTwi-2FHprrjbU-2FEOruWBWjlLexpG0jX8yCDL-2Fg24iOP3yoImvNO4-2FPPautnBejd-2BFPby4hNcDwl4mCzxOMlJAe2UvqSLl6-2Bv4JTziuP2OvUPZZBUOk-2F-2BbvMwMtKiUO7AWWrY3ObsDz9wKkKuHbp1tHwfHdxXG-2BWJnKuKZlBkT4ehqWtZUPZCWGlWri0QqKobRBdqQDHs1tgaLfpazKckMY9CLgqMe-2Bs0GnymQ9Y6YqU3BZtjRzs2mhq76iY-2FLD7wMwBEgCZeijvMNZYGfm-2BmA07ZkGU6vvxONaKIAb9f8KafQMqMkyY1Hm5qVOh2Psx2OMRU7g-2F5TBaZ9MA8IdGppidXIPlh-2FaFhFcXKWOCd-2BVerBcgOGL3KdtU-2BULJr8vAbomMf2hy-2BobEkf4DB-2BcyT8yi7TP8k1YJbm35LBVVnjGBNxnuyEui5v85WmqzwrQ7mYkvTv8RtIdMAKla2ji8faQ-2BZruhps5RBYRj7MaOwVNgK0Jsl3oSuUnEvF98pRT6Hpvve3QlvMn4wQCIylEqbfVd2h7P8T1AqM7jo3Gjijfv4YRO3WeVrFpROD2hONdcL0fx8czieUwQ-3D_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HRzmu-2BGn4FzW5PZ4xn249-2BhGma0sKSNKdRBWie1w1ilI4WKCE33NpGgaFvxiPn4K3EHiKmxZcz7LLEx2kcAhooK90533QwCNzyHNaHDWMmmOPUjlMsjUjru-2Fe-2F1Pj1XurK08r9n1Mng5chnWAzN6FdA-3D-3D>
> cid:inlineImage1
> Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence
> *From:*Matt Perkins [mailto:matt at spectrum.com.au]
> *Sent:* Monday, 16 June 2014 1:24 PM
> *To:* George Ziri
> *Subject:* Re: [200William-EC SP67851] Water penetration from deck 7
> I dont suppose the camera points anywhere toward where the tarp was ?
> matt
> On 16/06/2014 1:19 pm, George Ziri wrote:
>     Good Afternoon All
>     It appears the tarp has been removed from the wall. The markings
>     of the tarp are still there.
>     I will reinstate this afternoon.
>     George Ziri OPERATIONS Building Facilities Management Solutions
>     m: 0400 300 242 e: georgeziri at bfms.com.au
>     <mailto:georgeziri at bfms.com.au> w: www.bfms.com.au
>     <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcfGwYZ82AhlWkoBxNywXgxo-3D_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HbE3XfSPECcwlxImTvDqvfN90kF9ywTpPdjgxEYkWb6kSdl7dsQ1-2BB6yyvdQfPWdIsgRLB5fGJUjoACiZ6FQGZwX-2BpXnHOpAKqLlUmrzPslTj1EbhNidCqKKrWM556SN3y-2BxUbVGVS2Y6lAEOMkssNw-3D-3D>
>         Safety | Integrity | Service | Excellence
>     -----Original Message----- From: CSCL [cscl at optusnet.com.au
>     <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>] Sent: Monday, 16 June 2014 12:49 PM
>     To: Maxine Wickey Cc: Rob Willett; Dave Petschack; Barney Kitay;
>     Diana Dennison; edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au
>     <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>; Robert Green; 'Matt Perkins';
>     brookbeves at bigpond.com <mailto:brookbeves at bigpond.com>; Andrew
>     James; George Ziri Subject: Water penetration from deck 7
>     Hello Maxine and EC members,
>     I apologize for this seemingly 'redundant' appeal about water
>     penetration into my apartment, but this is how the wall (level 7)
>     was left over the weekend during the rain, after someone had
>     worked on it (please see attached pictures). Thankfully no water
>     came into my property which is still without a proper ceiling in
>     the main bedroom and only concrete floor in the hallway. There is
>     always a draft as a result.
>     Even the 8 year foster child I look after on weekends thought it
>     'stupid' that the level 7 wall was left opened and someone should
>     have covered it properly. His bedroom is adjacent to the inside
>     damage in my apartment.
>     Would someone from the EC kindly take action as soon as possible
>     as this matter is dragging on with no solution. How long does it
>     really take to get a quote, complete this task (and at least cover
>     up the wall when rain is expected or falling)?
>     Kindly also provide me with an update to my email dated June 5
>     (which included pictures) regarding the water dripping down onto
>     my terrace from above from the garden bed area and the damage as a
>     result. Thank you in advance for your response.
>     Best regards, Craig Laforest
>     -----Original Message----- From: Maxine Wickey
>     [mwickey at stratatitle.com.au <mailto:mwickey at stratatitle.com.au>]
>     Sent: Thursday, 12 June 2014 12:08 PM To: 'CSCL' Subject: RE:
>     Water penetration from deck 7
>     Hi Craig,
>     I am following up with George in relation to both matters.
>     Kind Regards,
>     Maxine Wickey Strata Manager
>     t: (02) 9266 2600 www.stratatitle.com.au
>     <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcedKL-2FZTGniCPU-2Fxp2-2FRzr4xhtTb4h4bDQeNRucLKP7C_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7Ho9AsgZ3KxY6n8lfJv7JkjOnSV5pxEgTubFmS9AW5ZZZP7NojfZjtA1GFHWmjwwYyVP9mzSfUGFLraFi-2B03t7rJxcu9TgFG0vs9W3WAOy5sXEkA09Y7FOKQYx8WbEtXVRtG5AfZprWUhQIPLP0CKedA-3D-3D>
>     www.stmplus.com.au
>     <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcZbgV54rHUeSOr0-2BaVH0-2Fio-3D_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HYD7a8CQ93-2BtRRCTPmzQ21JXgosUfwy-2BEsrgdwTOfkb7G5HHbbvxraRYgIApKMXIKN5AdJ8NJpyV0Qnb-2BPn5uuL-2BMK3zmB0x0ikD2-2FVYZ-2BekYmVEz7Uv02ywHjq01JR-2F7dewgMYMBYit9eh3uCZvcMA-3D-3D>
>     Emailed Communication / Documents Disclaimer For STM's full
>     disclaimer please visit --
>     http://www.stratatitle.com.au/privacy.asp
>     <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=paAuoSyhP986EecDgeXXTAPtCf8r8OAnKY0JBkSJh-2FCQG-2FHRXXzW3uTJ5xlck4raQdFbX68Wv4j0MXMVmYs-2FK4gLeiHzf1-2F4m1t-2BfdsI81nDefUQ-2F6qB43ANc-2FJ6kH-2F1BXzuqUvFkimbf-2FE-2FrW5tWRAYy8usUliaV-2FCVti49-2Bksb80h9tDuc6g-2BwY9b9ptqxOjN8JPkOuS-2BD8ZpyZ-2FCJTKfCJ8hi6hrZvm2SShNYS-2BPloBnC-2B4r6KbiLpfC9d7i0CEepXCrGpkGalE006LP4IoBZ3oLWIQ-2BkBRIeS1Oykxnp6uW4R9kIqVp-2B0NS7YINQQwPM9fFK1wj5BirXG8JdslDeiaFbciTEpJIJOIX45RroaWBBASRGhLEkCqoK1EccuyDMSt03lxAH0wmkgvB4G3chaHBX34qRCxKx02xSRFg-3D_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HOn9OyIc5sy0tpxIrYTXv1dMjs1IyIIBeFdVvIG7j3lc4R6BZfZX4Xf-2Fi8WV7J5dJkVdeL2MAbFO-2Fs8DACM-2FXpvyxfHcRV2v49Vbjsaf5rOANKuvLbGQKKsgDpoljF3Kw7BH-2F-2BkXC94pjjNnJ-2FRTyOA-3D-3D>
>     Important Notice:  Owners should be aware that all correspondence,
>     including letters, facsimile transmissions and emails are retained
>     on the file of your scheme and may be subject to inspection by
>     owners and residents within your scheme, as well as prospective
>     purchasers for any lot that may be for sale within your scheme. As
>     such author discretion is advised.
>     -----Original Message----- From: CSCL [cscl at optusnet.com.au
>     <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>] Sent: Thursday, 12 June 2014 11:29
>     AM To: Maxine Wickey Cc: George Ziri; brookbeves at bigpond.com
>     <mailto:brookbeves at bigpond.com>; Andrew James;
>     edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>;
>     Dave Petschack; Rob Willett; Diana Dennison; 'Matt Perkins';
>     Barney Kitay Subject: RE: Water penetration from deck 7
>     Hello Maxine, I refer to my email (with attached pictures) below
>     and haven't had a response. Would you kindly provide me with an
>     update as soon as possible. I think you'll agree, this water
>     debacle is ridiculous. Thank you and regards, Craig Laforest
>     -----Original Message----- From: CSCL [cscl at optusnet.com.au
>     <mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au>] Sent: Thursday, 5 June 2014 12:07
>     PM To: Maxine Wickey Cc: George Ziri; brookbeves at bigpond.com
>     <mailto:brookbeves at bigpond.com>; Andrew James
>     (Andrew.James at lh.org.au <mailto:Andrew.James at lh.org.au>);
>     edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au <mailto:edsainsbury at ozemail.com.au>;
>     Dave Petschack; Rob Willett (rob at robadda.com
>     <mailto:rob at robadda.com>); Diana Dennison; 'Matt Perkins'; Barney
>     Kitay (barnet at kitays.com <mailto:barnet at kitays.com>) Subject:
>     Water penetration from deck 7
>     Hello Maxine,
>     I'm attaching some pictures of the water which is still
>     penetrating from the garden beds on deck 7 and creates stains on
>     the tiles on my terrace below (please see attached). Even after
>     weeks of sunshine, the water leaks through. I have witnessed the
>     same water problems on the area above Diana Dennison's terrace --
>     the lip of the overhead above the terrace is stained.
>     Finally, it appears that the contractor "may" have found the water
>     entry into my apartment from deck 7 (outside) also from where the
>     flashing on the deck has not been continued up the side of the
>     wall and water literally pours down the wall, hits the area where
>     the wall touches the deck and the result is.....water comes down
>     into my apartment.
>     This has been a recurring problem over the years and I recommend
>     that the EC looks at a full-time solution to these water leakage
>     matters. We've had the garden beds emptied and the membrane on
>     both sides of the building inside the beds repaired. However, the
>     problem is back again and the tiles on my terrace will have to be
>     lifted up and replaced. I'm very concerned that, over time the
>     flat deck on level 7 will continue to have to be repaired.
>     I look forward to a response from yourself and/or the property
>     manager, George Ziri to repair the damage to my terrace and
>     overhead roof area.
>     Thank you and kind regards, Craig Laforest
>     Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
>     attachments:
>     Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may
>     prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.
>     Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments
>     are handled.
>     _______________________________________________
>     EC mailing list
>     EC at 200william.com  <mailto:EC at 200william.com>
>     http://200william.com/mailman/listinfo/ec  <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=HlAArIa521ZqKPtuGON6G8vfSrjYFptYcc177gHg5FbQDdPXww1-2B7yt-2Fyv0pTgcj_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HAPokRjLt2jx6emepWpSlrTJrI6-2BE9CDkbF0ObfD3o3Z5RpMbmpj-2BpX6YPHt6irdZPBFvLKAoDB3cmwV6kqQ3EIfGUKvcbzhyp2M0EjWMYgVsHsbtiYauVC9kNnKtIqhNrc18xqvEmxy04lgsZH35PQ-3D-3D>
> -- 
> /* Matt Perkins
>          Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
>          Office 1300 133 299matt at spectrum.com.au  <mailto:matt at spectrum.com.au>  
>                                  Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
>          SIP1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au  <mailto:1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au>
>          PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found athttp://pgp.mit.edu  <http://u361747.sendgrid.org/wf/click?upn=jTv0FP7eisBEFuRmWGumnsAAmscuJMHLTg4TC7v8vv0-3D_L7AXvUVxwHA7qmANdxwZ9AjfPZ3XK6-2F1IMrPYxoRUWCWoxFEMCBijUsIge-2FOvI7HeLFr0wzfT4Du35h6C4kP3hKYSOKHTQ3Pnyn2tW4wVwO5VysBpTG2OrHPRObxc5BFUJPYgr-2FUyM0aWP6A83MwtUSRZId9Vs66NLt6ft-2FRQ5K211eJ4RcNHTugDOSQfkB2NqS7Mz0xf3dcDZBl9fuKQA-3D-3D>  
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