[200William-EC SP67851] Elevator/intercom connection time

George Ziri Georgeziri at bfms.com.au
Fri Feb 21 09:25:39 EST 2014

Good Morning Craig,


The system is best set to the minimum time to ensure a floor is
uncompromised. Extending the time may compromise the security.


This is something you may want to have the EC consider.





George Ziri | Operations


Building Facilities Management Solutions Pty Ltd

Direct: 0400 300 242 | Facsimile: 9547 3132 | PO BOX A2319 SYDNEY SOUTH
NSW 1235


visit us www.bfms.com.au <http://www.bfms.com.au> 


From: CSCL [mailto:cscl at optusnet.com.au] 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 February 2014 10:46 AM
To: George Ziri
Subject: Elevator/intercom connection time


Hello George,


I am finding that nearly all my visitors are not getting enough time,
once they have parked their car in the visitor spots, to exit their
cars, grab their belongings, get into the elevator and push my floor
button.  They then have to go to level E or G, exit and redial me.


Can we extend the amount of time between them dialing me at the garage
entrance and getting into the lift please?


Thank you and regards,
Craig Laforest

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