[200William-EC SP67851] Marquis apartment #301 - Noise disturbance Saturday 23 August 2014

Andrew James Andrew.James at lh.org.au
Mon Aug 25 08:53:14 EST 2014

Dear Maxine,

It appears that the residents of Apartment 301 have returned from leave with a vengeance!

The music and a group of people noisily 'socialising' on the balcony started at around 0330 on Saturday morning. It kept going until around 0530. I'm not sure how Matt or #201 coped but it was unbelievably selfish. There was also some music and noise last night but I'm not really sure what time it was.

Maxine, could you please send them a noise breach notice? I'm not sure how we make any headway here. This must be at least the third time I've lodged a complaint with you. Problems with #601, #301 and #404 is all getting a bit much. It's not fair that we have to suffer these selfish individuals.

Many thanks


Andrew James
Project Director of Pharmacy
[Chris O`Brien Lifehouse]<http://www.mylifehouse.org.au>
119-143 Missenden Road
Camperdown NSW 2050
PO BOX M33 Missenden Road NSW 2050

Phone: +61 2 85140945
Mobile: +61 400 202 279
Email: Andrew.James at lh.org.au<mailto:Andrew.James at lh.org.au>
Web: http://www.mylifehouse.org.au

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