[200William-EC SP67851] SP67851 601/200 William Street, Woolloomooloo Water penetration

Craig Laforest craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 20:30:42 EST 2014


Please note that this morning I had a walk through with William and
contractor you appointed from Wollongong (I can't remember the name of this
gentleman unfortunately).  The contractor found many, many areas where
water is coming through from level 7 and William took photos.  The
contractor had no idea whether or not he was to produce a report (!!) on
his findings and I asked him to do so.  You should receive this shortly.
He found many areas of calcification on level 7 as well as in the lobby of
level 7 - water was literally dripping from level 8 (the plant room) onto
the eastern area of level 7.

Water still continues to drip from the area above the façade above my
terrace on level 6.  We noted at 7am during the inspection that even though
William reported that the drip system for the planter areas had been turned
off, water was literally spraying onto my curved kitchen windows from above
at 7am this morning )through the concrete)!!!  The contractor found on
level 7 that the area where the end of the soil (in the planter area) meets
the curved area (which is above my kitchen), was totally saturated
with water.

Regarding my kitchen wooden floors -  they are slowly rising in two areas
as a result of water penetration - the contractor could not detect at this
stage, with the thermal camera, where this water is coming because the
areas are presently dry because we haven't had major storms in Sydney for a
long time..

George, I recommend you read very carefully the report from the thermal
technician who you sent over this morning.  We have some major problems on
level 7 and as property manager you need to address these urgently.

Craig Laforest
P.S.  And we are spending our money on new equipment and tiles for the gym
while the building has major water penetration problems??? Ridiculous

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 12:16 PM, George Ziri <georgeziri at bfms.com.au> wrote:

>  Good Afternoon Craig,
> Please find attached the report for your information.
> *_________________________________________________________________*
>       George Ziri | Operations
> m: 0400 300 242 | w: www.bfms.com.au
> <https://u361747.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=RlFE-2BVh-2F7mttG96uKukYcfGwYZ82AhlWkoBxNywXgxo-3D_UJusU8bB6pfmb-2F4jiClQ-2BmA6dUvOk4FnzPNV6HYmZTVY3Cp190vRG-2FvRqOX-2FZwTdNtPW-2BO87MiqFBobNQnKNqDwjD7wfpNLDwLO22Mrldr7KBKaX8GJ77aYpu8BJYa7kjhyocLQwA1wcp0H-2BApakacHtrZtCSpcn8zY9KSZWS-2FsTputv6EUNrc7CTNJKChyKEnpDUNjVadacvB6iGGFGIpriGacOnB0zkjXyZRuA2sU-3D>
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> *From:* Craig Laforest [mailto:craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 30 July 2014 6:50 PM
> *To:* George Ziri
> *Cc:* Maxine Wickey; Rob Willett
> *Subject:* Re: 601/200 William Street, Woolloomooloo Water penetration
> Thank you.  I will be ready for the 7:00am appointment.
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 5:52 PM, George Ziri <georgeziri at bfms.com.au>
> wrote:
> William will look into the matter tomorrow when he is reviewing the
> inspection of your balcony.
> *_________________________________________________________________*
> George Ziri | Operations
> m: 0400 300 242 | w: www.bfms.com.au
> <https://u361747.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=Kvv-2B5y4pRzY-2BLQ1FuJO0I-2FYgkiTK3djAWHaaisf1cZjiI9dB9shlOiG-2B6JfNpT4CAzC9onzM-2FEUT5nbTJE2wWF2vP5pBx9ui623LOZUFlnYDCO1bhW0VgNmYxzIHUd40plQxKrUGX31RGiAdfB9DubiEgyLYIS7imKaK2zCOcGIbIP7fuQuOrmeHuL2ElJ7Sraz6lNUahfUPQgzIqCR2gkQjAcdBTYHoooIuMdlytL0s8nnZnJ03Db06oerKcyLoF08TnixBRKuOLPegQ7P4WJicjcL5x2FPAwOIxHbuO6oZ8b3XM-2Fs7XtmNIZaP6tTSywPPPK4Wd6PcVl-2FUgnc0ePt9PMnFmWai4Z1OGYVEYIkXC-2FH3lFUWS1RmCUcuQN7et-2FqLBxX7vAgP0CKfRDuiyBbDOdX2tLF236T05nRElhJQw-2F-2BE5vbYntZl14FkUozUDnmgfWmP1M7Q-2FSy-2BxGpWDxsf3MBFqdk-2FS0zDWXoMNtI-3D_UJusU8bB6pfmb-2F4jiClQ-2BmA6dUvOk4FnzPNV6HYmZTVY3Cp190vRG-2FvRqOX-2FZwTdNtPW-2BO87MiqFBobNQnKNqDmxnMRXIzGHgZqdOxysT8YSMTSachhmpw4ZYJlMcRVl-2F-2BP3kjnL6cGeJ6S1RgfLaF2YCaxRUBnJRrQW-2BHS7CMyJqXG-2FNTSNpGbWQMYtZalqsBHOoXb-2BV8DQwEvyY8Wiymmv0CE73aXbt8-2BAqdRPRSI-3D>
> [image: BFMS-logo-email_sig]
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> *From:* Craig Laforest [mailto:craigstephenlaforest at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 30 July 2014 12:12 PM
> *To:* George Ziri
> *Cc:* Maxine Wickey; Rob Willett
> *Subject:* Re: 601/200 William Street, Woolloomooloo Water penetration
> Hello George,
> As I mentioned in my email yesterday, it appears the water is dripping
> from the inside of the two brick walls  - it can't be seen on the outside.
> The wooden kitchen floor is raising in certain sections as a result.
> In addition, I am also attaching a couple of pictures of water I took this
> morning which is constantly spraying onto my west side kitchen windows (not
> related to the other area I mention above) - it is dropping through from
> the concrete area directly above the windows.
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 4:05 PM, George Ziri <georgeziri at bfms.com.au>
> wrote:
> Good Afternoon Craig,
> Could you please provide photos of water trickling down the wall.
> Would you be kind to provide previous correspondence on this matter as you
> note that it looks like to be leaking from the planter box again.
> *______________________________________________________________*_
> The contents of this e-mail are confidential and may only be accessed by
> the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient please notify
> the sender immediately. Any unauthorized reproduction of this e-mail, or
> its contents, is strictly prohibited.
> -----Original Message----- From: Maxine Wickey [mwickey at stratatitle.com.au]
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 July 2014 3:50 PM To: George Ziri Cc: Info BFMS Subject:
> FW: 601/200 William Street, Woolloomooloo Water penetration
> Hi George,
> Please find following correspondence received from Craig. Can you please
> advise as to when tradesmen will be attending.
> Thanks George.
> Kind Regards,
> Maxine Wickey Strata Manager
> t: (02) 9266 2600 www.stratatitle.com.au
> <https://u361747.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=Kvv-2B5y4pRzY-2BLQ1FuJO0I-2FYgkiTK3djAWHaaisf1cZjiI9dB9shlOiG-2B6JfNpT4CAzC9onzM-2FEUT5nbTJE2wWPwW2e-2B2KndH0qTB6tAuK2O9wbA1CH3YJ0M6YaW-2FFQ2Anopfu8Drt6iYFUgx7kQfjWayCHqD7ihfS7sWqIrKMHjkKcfTqzo-2BBP0BId6MZVJgKKpSE-2FHMZwKVfvpWBWdFJL0fb-2FJkzc-2BuB8MGQpiCMg7RIJHhqtua3mjJtY4kOLSV5cZT3TY93J2qMJhyGbNCYHH9-2FgMw-2FYjhaKb3Q4WFmfjr067UqnbHa6zFm2akeLROODmoQZjzf5g64xD80Vp9b3L1BLPhuGUqxwQ9UlZrk3A0ObNxyamjLJ1-2BLYJMaQAx7-2FilpaMoTXwOokYYWDlXF3osatP23bH1-2BagczCqwPcTicFQWDd51JviVqpAsst5bK0SMqb0juPdDaJjdvEZ5vfm2fan2hcRy0HDfJ7fmj-2BJ-2BzwjvR2ZdhL4-2FRSJWihhp_UJusU8bB6pfmb-2F4jiClQ-2BmA6dUvOk4FnzPNV6HYmZTVY3Cp190vRG-2FvRqOX-2FZwTdNtPW-2BO87MiqFBobNQnKNqOxSrqFHgt48tzBzryaTBw0AUwsxaEe7tynz5Sa9XEZTksPQPVo9Kcdy2nv-2BsZwcDpZGK2LFnDwZGQopn5xbkbKFuFdE3n4RgA4dPMwmF02RZ1dSMowQQPWM9noYG-2BceboE9pyeH-2BBz6bXIXL9QojQY-3D>
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> Important Notice:  Owners should be aware that all correspondence,
> including letters, facsimile transmissions and emails are retained on the
> file of your scheme and may be subject to inspection by owners and
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> advised.
> -----Original Message----- From: CSCL [cscl at optusnet.com.au] Sent:
> Tuesday, 29 July 2014 3:31 PM To: Maxine Wickey Subject: 601/200 William
> Street, Woolloomooloo Water penetration
> Hello Maxine, It's unfortunate to report but I have water leaking into my
> kitchen area which is raising the wooden flooring I have. It looks like it
> is coming from the planter area again and trickling down the inside walls.
> It extends all the way to the kitchen sink area (please see attached
> pictures).
> Would you please advise when George or William will attend the property
> again to provide me with a schedule.
> Thank you very much.
> Regards, Craig Laforest Your message is ready to be sent with the
> following file or link attachments:
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> --
> Craig Laforest
> --
> Craig Laforest

Craig Laforest
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