[200William-EC] Loud hammering / construction noise

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Thu Apr 18 09:55:15 EST 2013

The second noise you heard was me with a fire escape door i think Shane. 
I let it go and it slammed the last few inches hard Woops. . I know the 
machines your talking about. But there patten is even and repetitive. 
This sort of more random like it's a human. It sounds right above my 
head to. It's woken the baby and both of us 3 nights in a row.  It was 
softer in the foyer on your level and sounded like it was cumming from 
the fire escape. On level 5 it also sounded like it was  more from the 
fire escape. I guess it's possible it was from the plant room. It's also 
possible it's the substation they are working around there on and off. 
The loudest I can hear it is in my bedroom which is in the north east 
corner of the building.

I was ready to blame the person in 402 but after going to that level i 
dont think so.

George. Did we have anybody new move in this/last week.


On 18/04/13 9:42 AM, Shane Ellis wrote:
> I texted the tenant in 501 last night... Sounds like the noise is directly above my head. She texted back and we talked today... She thought it must be craig! She reckons above her too.
> My thoughts... If not human, it's obviously something mechanical. Sounds like steel or masonry bouncing against concrete - (George, you know the machines they use for acoustic testing? - sounds like that)
> Did anyone else hear last night the last few we're not direct hits but echoed off toward the north west of the building... So odd! And annoying.
> George, may I have an access-all-areas, at-all-times fob so I may investigate if this occurs again thismorning... Thanks.
> I'd love to hear anyone else's perspective/ ideas...
> Shane Ellis
> On 18/04/2013, at 4:19 AM, Matt Perkins <matt at spectrum.com.au> wrote:
>> There has been a loud banging / hammering for the last 3 mornings at 200
>> William. That begins at around 4 AM and goes through to around 5AM I
>> have attmpted to track down which apartment it's coming from but have
>> had no luck. It sounds like it's above level 4 and on the easterly site
>> of the building. Does anyone have any ideas.
>> Matt.
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