[200William-EC] Information and new list setup

Matt Perkins matt at spectrum.com.au
Fri Jun 1 13:15:18 EST 2012

Hi All,
  I'm pleased to let you know that the email list for the ec as well as 
some info pages are setup.

Just a quick reminder that if you mail ec at 200william.com  it will go to 
everyone in the EC + Maxine and George.
If you reply to a list email it will normally go to the original person 
that send the mail so if you want to reply to all make sure you reply to 
the list. Usually your mail client will have a button for that.

I have also set up some quick and very dirty information pages for the 
ec at http://200william.com/ec
It requires a username/password which is username:ec password: marquis 
(it's case sensitive)

Behind the curtain you will find the file contacts.html with all our 
contact details (missing some please email me off list) . As well as a 
place to put future minutes and agenda.

The following mappings also exist for @200william.com addresses. If 
anyone else would like a personal one please email me off list.

## 200 William Street. --  200william.com

matt:           matt at spectrum.com.au
secretary:      matt at spectrum.com.au

barney:         barnet at kitays.com
treasurer:      barnet at kitays.com

dave:           dave at oneforall.com.au
charman:        dave at oneforall.com.au

rob:            rob at oneforall.com.au
bmc-rep:        rob at oneforall.com.au

maxine:         mwickey at stratatitle.com.au
strata:         mwickey at stratatitle.com.au

george:                 Georgeziri at bfms.com.au
manager:                Georgeziri at bfms.com.au
building-manager:       Georgeziri at bfms.com.au

Hope your Fridays all going well

/* Matt Perkins
         Direct 1300 137 379     Spectrum Networks Ptd. Ltd.
         Office 1300 133 299     matt at spectrum.com.au
         Fax    1300 133 255     Level 6, 350 George Street Sydney 2000
         SIP 1300137379 at sip.spectrum.com.au
         PGP/GNUPG Public Key can be found at  http://pgp.mit.edu

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